Babies: 3 - 6 Months

From co-sleeping to crib - Help!

Since DD outgrew the newborn napper in her PNP when she was about 2 months old, she's been sleeping in the bed with me (and sometimes DH, but he usually goes to the guest room so DD and I can have our space).  At first it was a matter of convenience - I could nurse her in the middle of the night without really having to get up each time, and she slept for longer periods of time all snuggled up to me.

Now, DD is 5 months old, STTN when she's in the bed with me, and almost weaned from nursing.  I'd really like to move her into her crib in her bedroom.  However, every time I try, she wakes up every 30 minutes and cries until I pick her up and can either nurse or rock her back to sleep.  She's never been a good sleeper when she's not snuggled up to someone (even for naps), but this is getting ridiculous.

So how do I transition from co-sleeping to her crib?  Do I let her cry until she falls back asleep?  Do I keep checking on her every time she wakes up?  It just seems like getting up with her every half hour would be hell...

Any advice would be much appreciated.  Thanks! 

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Re: From co-sleeping to crib - Help!

  • how many times does she cry before you put her back in bed with you?
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  • i've been having to ween my daughter from being rocked to sleep. so what i have is a projector that plays music. so what i've been doing is sitting in the room with her until she falls asleep i just sit next to her crib. and if she wakes up i go back in there and sit somemore. maybe you could try that?
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  • I would start by doing naps in the crib, just to get her more use to it. Then if she starts to fuss, I would go in, put my hands on her belly/body to let her know I am there, but not pick her up right away. Over time, maybe she will settle down with the encouragement that you are there, but not picking her up (?). Also, no other times in the crib, other than naps. That way she doesn't get the idea that the crib is for play time. I would continue this until she gets more use to it and tolerates her naps in the crib. Then start to transition her at night. We use a mobile and we have an electronic thing that puts lights on the ceiling. We also have a fan for white noise. My guy likes to feel cozy, so we use his SwaddleMe swaddler (sz Large), and just wrap it around his belly (arms free), so he feels secure. Just some thoughts...
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  • Aaw, she is so cute!  My baby is the exact same way.  She will wake up instantly when I put her in the crib, and sleeps very poorly anywhere but with me.  I am afraid the only way I am going to be able to break the habit is to do CIO, and I am just not ready to do it yet.
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