Babies: 3 - 6 Months


Okay ladies my lil man is just now 3 months...Everyone keeps asking what to get him for Christmas.  I have no idea...What are some must have for the up coming months??

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Re: Christmas

  • He might not need some of these things right around Christmas, but shortly after...

    Jumperoo and/or Exersaucer

    Teething toys/items

    Clothes (hats, socks, sleepers) in at least one, if not two, sizes up from what he's in now

    An Oball (my DD LOVES her's)

    A Bumbo

    Solid food items (spoons, bowls, bibs, etc.)


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  • Were getting our 4 month old this table:

    the legs come off so he can use it laying on his tummy, you can put two of the legs on and tilt it when they can sit up, and obviously both legs on they can use it to pull to stand and play with when they can walk. I figured it could last awhile through several stages and its only like $30 something.


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  • I like that table Kristen. It might have to find its way on to our list.

    We asked for clothes in more sizes up from where he is now. Things for solid foods that we don't already have. I wanted some bibs, since we don't really have any, and with teething drool, his clothes are getting drenched. You could put a sophie the giraffe teether on there. The jumperoo exersaucer things are great, since they're expensive usually. 

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