My LO is just about 5 months now and up until recently has really not been too into the paci. She would take it sometimes when she was overtired and it would help calm her or when she was flipping out in the car it would help calm her down. Other than that, she really wasn't terribly interested in it. I was happy about that because i figured it was one less habit we would have to break down the road. Well just recently it seems that the dumb paci is the only thing that will settle her down. As soon as it is in her mouth she is quiet. I have tried giving her other toys since if it's in her hands, it's in her mouth, and I figured they would have a similar effect, but no such luck. I had originally planned to break her of the paci habit by 6 months. Am I creating a paci habit now where there wasn't one before?! Any other suggestions for helping her soothe herself without the paci?
This isn't at bedtime, she still falls asleep just fine on her own. This is just at the general meltdown sessions.
Re: Am I creating a paci addict?!
My LO was the same way about her paci. She still generally spits it out most of the time. I don't think there is any problem in letting them be soothed by a paci at this age. The sucking reflex is very relaxing to them. But one thing that often soothes my daughter when she is upset is just being able to hold onto my fingers with one or both hands. She also likes to suck on her own fingers.
About bedtime, I have read that the SIDS foundation recommends babies falling asleep with a paci up until 1 year old.
IDK if these things will cause a paci addict or not, since this is my first, but I say it works for now, so I am not worried about it.