Babies: 3 - 6 Months

How long did your LO's 4mo wakeful period last??

Our DD has been sttn and her naps have been great too but OVERNIGHT her sleeping habits change.

Won't nap very long, looks around during our bedtime routine where as before she'd just close her eyes and sleep, and finally she woke up multiple times last night.

UGH! I was spoiled with my sleepy daughter and now my DH and I are moaning and groaning... and it's just the first day! How long was your LO in their wakeful stage? did you have to change your routine? did you start sleep training at this point?

Bria - Born 7/20/2011 - 2 yrs old

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Re: How long did your LO's 4mo wakeful period last??

  • I think (and hope) my LO is starting it get past this stange. the last 5 nights or so have been much better. Bedtime has been hell for the last 5 weeks or so. He went from STTN 8-11 hours to going only 1-2 hours at a time. it SUCKED!!! He now goes 3-4 and I'm glad its starting to improve. LO goes to sleep a lot easyer for DH than me at night, so he takes the first shift (8-12) and I do the morning shift (1-7). If I'm having trouble getting LO to sleep I'll send DH in. When he was going only an hour or so The only way i could get him back to sleep was nursing. I'm glad he seems to be passing this phase. Hang in there. Its really hard, but just remember its only a stage.

  • It hasn't ended :)

    She stopped sttn around 3.5 months and now wakes to eat usually 2 times.  I always try a paci first when she wakes up, but it rarely works.  She wants food.  I am not sleep training, but I am going to bed at 8 p.m. so I'm not a zombie.

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  • Ours hasn't ended...

    It actually started around 3 months for us and we're now going on 4 weeks of it.  It's miserable.  DS was sleeping 9-10 hours straight at night and then he started waking up.  Initially I thought it was because of the cold he got from starting daycare, but the waking up hasn't ended.  He now has been getting up 3-4 times a night (and most of them he wants to eat - I try the paci first).  Last week he slept like his old ways two different nights and I thought we were turning a corner, but no luck apparently...

    I have come to dread bedtime and overnight time :(  We continue to do our normal routine, but it takes DS forever to go to sleep whereas, previously, it didn't take too long to get him down.  I keep trying to remind myself it's just a phase...


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  • DS stopped STTN at about 4.5 months. We didn't change anything in his routine and I don't plan on doing any sleep training at all, but if I did, I would have waited until he got through it. He just started STTN again like 2 nights ago, so it was about a month for us. I'm a SAHM so I just napped with him during the day to at least get a little sleep. Now that its over it doesn't seem so bad, but I hope it gets better for you soon!


  • I am reading this and am starting to get worried. My LO has STTN three times now.. He usually sleeps at night for 4.5 -5 hours at a time and eats 6 oz at every feeding. So now reading this I am scared for the next month... Yikes...
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