
on a side note...funny from PAC's parent-teacher meeting

So he's on par for his age, but needs to work on two things: his writing--he doesn't hold the pencil properly and doesn't press down hard enough, but we're working on that.

The other made me laugh, because it's what I deal with the most. His inability to stop talking. Here's what his teacher said:

"During circle time, I'll ask, for instance, what's the biggest ocean in the world? Patrick will raise his hand, and when I call on him, he'll answer, but he doesn't stop. He'll say, 'The Pacific Ocean is the biggest ocean in the whole world and it has lots of whales and sharks and fish and goes to Japan and that's where Optimus Prime fought Megatron and the Kremzeeks and the transformers beat the bad guys and they threw them in the ocean and my mom and dad swim in the ocean but I don't like to go in the ocean but I like to get the shells..."

And then the teacher will have to physically stop him from continuing to talk. 

Welcome to my life. DH and I call it verbal diarrhea at home, or "Patrick's had the mouth runs all day."


My babies!! Patrick Aydin, 9.24.07, and Alia Noor, 6.1.11 imageimage
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