Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Travelling with Baby/Sleeping in Same Room

LO has started STTN the past few nights, except one, and I don't know if she'll keep it up but I am afraid her sleep is going to be all screwed up now because we're leaving this weekend to go see family for a week. She is used to sleeping in her crib in her room but she will be in the PNP (she's napping in it now so she'll get used to it), but we will be in the same room with her. Has anyone travelled after they've transitioned LO to their own room and found that their sleeping habits changed? I am just hoping she doesn't wake up more if she's in the same room with us AND that we can go back to our normal routine when we get home. 
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Re: Travelling with Baby/Sleeping in Same Room

  • Just less than a month ago (so DS was 2.5 months) we went out of town for a family wedding and stayed in a hotel for 2 nights. DS had to sleep in the PNP in the same room (obviously) as us, and he is used to sleeping in his crib in his own room since day 1. He was not STTN at the time (funny, he actually started the week after we got home), but regardless, he slept fine. It was hard getting him down, because, as previously discussed on another post, the family wanted to keep him awake, so I was in hell until like 11pm trying to get him down, but once he was down he slept until 5am both nights, then until 8. I'd worry more about your bedtime routine than anything and a couple nights shouldn't do any real harm.. hopefully!! GL!
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  • ds has slept in the crib in his room since the day we got home, and we traveld with him at 2 months, 2.5 months, and 3 months, each time he slept in a pnp in the same room with us.  He did great!  The worst that happend was that a couple nights he woke up once and was shhhed back to sleep in a minute. other than that he slept just as well as usual.
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  • Thanks ladies, she did fine going down in the PNP for her first nap this morning, but she fought her second nap more than usual and finally fell asleep when I gave up and put her in the crib. She is going to have to get used to it for a week, but I'm afraid there will be more crying than normal trying to get her to nap. Sad
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  • I traveled back home to visit family when DD was 2 months and STTN. The sucky thing was there's a 3 hour time difference so I was a little worried about that. I kept to her same bedtime routine and put her down before I was planning to go to bed so that she fell asleep in the room alone like at home. If you're staying in a hotel you obviously can't do this but if you're staying at a relative's house try it. She fussed a little bit but then went right down.
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