Hi ladies! My first LO is only 3 weeks, but my family is already asking what DS "wants for Christmas". As a FTM I'd love some advice. We really only have stuff up to 3 months old, but I'm struggling to come up with a list for an older baby. We do have a high chair, stroller, Ergo, and a jumparoo, clothes, but that's really it. What would you suggest? What do you or your LO love at this age? TYIA!
BFP#1 10/5/09 | Heartbeat 11/1/09 | D&C 11/24/09 (no hb)
BFP#2 02/18/11 * Beta@15dpo=215 *
@18dpo=698 *
@20dpo=2337 *
@25dpo=10,931 * DS Arrived October 24, 2011
BFP#3 08/12 | D&C 9/12 (no hb)
BFP#4 Due May 1, 2014 Stick baby stick!
Re: Baby gear question from a new mama
growing a foosa
BFP#2 02/18/11 * Beta@15dpo=215 * @18dpo=698 * @20dpo=2337 * @25dpo=10,931 * DS Arrived October 24, 2011
BFP#3 08/12 | D&C 9/12 (no hb)
BFP#4 Due May 1, 2014 Stick baby stick!
It sounds like you're pretty set. Here are a couple of things that have come in handy at my house
Rock n Play - DS loves hanging out in his, even when he's not going to sleep.
Go Baby Go! Gigglin' Bee Ball - DS is currently obsessed with this.
Activity mat - we don't have one, but we could really use one.
It sounds like you have a lot of the big ticket items already, but here are some things that may come in handy:
-Bath seat. My son is definitely too long for his infant bath tub right nos so we need something else.
-Even bigger clothes. We have so many 3-6 month clothes, but don't have much after that. Just make sure they are appropriate for the season. I have several shorts outfits that he'll never wear because they are 9 month size, and he'll be 9 months in February.
-Humidifier. We run a humidifier in our son's room ever night. Great white noise and helps with
-Activity table. You won't need it for a while, but could be nice to have.
-Anything for teething. My son is chewing on everything right now.
Have fun making your list!