I want to get started freezing a supply of milk. Up until now, I have only pumped when needed, I just don't know how to find the time to do it. How should I go about this? When is the best time to pump? I started doing right after morning feed when DS was STTN, but now he is back waking once around 5am and he drains me... and even when I was doing that it was hard because I wanted to play with him, but didn't want to wait too long to pump after he ate. Now by morning I have pretty much enough for his breakfast feeding anyways, and thats all. DS is 3.5 mo. and I just want to have a supply for when I try to wean, around 6 months. Should I pump before I go to bed, because he usually doesn't eat until around 4-6am... my only fear is he will wake up early and I have just drained myself. I guess then I'd have to give him a bottle. Any thoughts or suggestions as to what worked for you would be great!!