Houston Babies

Luca is sick.. we have to pass on the GTG..

Luca has been really sick.  He has 103 degree fever of Friday and we went tot he doctor...  Yesterday he was a little better, but he's not great today..  Sorry we're going to miss out, but we'll keep our germs at home...

Re: Luca is sick.. we have to pass on the GTG..

  • I hope he feels better soon!
    Mom to Alex - 8.29.06, Foster - 1.22.09, Emily - 6.24.11 imageimageLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Kaitlyn woke up with a green snotty nose... No fever, but I would hate for her to pass a cold on to any lil ones!  So we're out also since DH is leaving for the Texans game shortly. :/
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