Hi all, long time no post :-) LO just turned 4 months, and it doing wonderfully! She's never really been a fan of tummy time, but would always tolerate it. At one month she rolled over with no problem, it was AMAZING. Lately I have been trying EVERYTHING to motivate her to roll over, and with a little help from her Little Einstein Whale pillow she was successful...she's been holding her head up independently from 3 weeks old, and is VERY, very strong...I was talking to my Mom about it, and her response was, "what the hell is tummy time?!" ;-) She said back then, we woke up one day, rolled over and that was the end of that, no looking back. I think today we are so brainwashed by all of this stuff to read and comparing our babies to others that we just forget to let nature take over. She's happy, strong, loves to play and smile and laugh, so I guess I should just let her play and count on things happening when they are meant to happen :-) Also, she's been sleeping in her RNP since birth, and we will be trying crib soon...so far she HATES it, so I'm dreading transitioning her, but eventually she will outgrow it and we will have no choice :-) If anyone has any input or soothing words for a first time Mom who is just having a week filled with more worries than normal, please feel free to write to me!
Re: Worried about rolling over....
I am not sure what you are worried about.. your post made it seem like it was about rolling over, but it seems like she is doing great!
I do agree, though, that there is so much out there to make us worry that we, or our LOs aren't doing something we/they should be. I try to stay relaxed about everything, but I still compare LO to other babies around her age (especially when it comes to sleeping habits). I decided today to give up on a nap schedule because LO has such a wide variety of awake times during the day. Sometimes she can go 2.5-3 hours between naps and be fine, and other times she is a mess after a half hour. I am just hoping that she starts being more consistent as I am getting ready to head back to work
Hang in there momma! It sounds like your LO is doing wonderfully
Thank you girls, I admit I think I'm just having a week where I'm worrying more about silly things (thank you period, LOL)...and yes, I've heard from my best friends that all babies do things at different times...this LO of ours has had quite the personality, even when she was in my belly, and I know things get done when SHE wants them to, not when we want them to :-) We're just rolling with the flow!
We all slept on our tummys. Every time we woke up was tummy time until we started screaming for mom! lol
I have a 3 1/2 month old that I take to physical therapy for torticollis. At first I was concerned that she's not even close to rolling over. They told me when babies under 5-6 months roll over, it's usually just an accident. The intentional rolling over comes around this age range.
I actually think thebump makes me worry more than I should because of comparing her to other babies. I've come to realize that if the pediatrician thinks she's fine, then she is. Your LO sounds like she's happy and healthy and progressing just right.
I think its only natural to compare LO's...but its what you do with that info that counts. Your baby will do things in her own time. My son is just over 4 months and only rolled once, and Im confident it was an accident. His pedi said as long as its before 6m no concern. He also doesnt STTN or take good naps. If I listened to all of my friends,family and bumpies I'd think there is something wrong with DS. But thereisnt,,,its just him. And he's perfect to me. Dont let anything worry you...and always rememer that your gut and your pedi are your best sources for info.
and PS...Im constantly trying to get DS to roll over, trying to coax him. Obviously not working for me. His pedi also said, that there is not much you can do, its just something he will do on his own when ready
I'm a physical therapist and OBSESSED with my LO rolling. I am like "a PTs kid can't be delayed" haha. He wasnts NOTHING to do with rolling over. He can push up well on his arms when on his tummy. Also LO is a belly sleeper. I would feel MUCH better if he was just rolling there himself - like "oh well he rolls there Im not rolling him back". as a PT I know every kid hits their milestones when they want they are all different - but I still try to force it which I am SURE will just backfire!!