I just spent $300 on TOPS (one pair of trouser jeans -- the rest, tops) for me. You know, so I have something to wear with my new gray UGGS. Which, btw, I still haven't ordered because I don't know if I want paisley, plain gray or the cardy (sweater) ones.
UGH! Such problems, huh?!
But seriously --- I can foresee I'm going to be spending less (well, Joe would hope) on the kids wardrobes and more on mine. And to think, I still haven't even got to a size that is "fun" to shop for!
Re: Joe has NO idea what this "change" in me means!
I've lost 9.8 pounds in October so far.
I weigh in again on Tuesday.
I have 100 pounds total to lose.
Thanks chicas!
100 pounds seems SOOOO daunting --- and totally not possible.
But then again, I know it IS possible (my sister's SIL lost that much doing WW).
Brew --- you are truly an inspiration --- honestly, if I can get below 200, I would be psyched. If I could get to 160-170 --- HOT!
Congrats on the 9lb. I know I keep saying this but I am so excited for you.
Happy shopping!
Have fun shopping!
I've struggled w/ weight off and on, and am currently working pretty hard to lose about 15-20lbs. I always find that my motivation is incredibly shallow in that I am motivated by buying cute clothes. I love to shop, and it's more fun if I like how I look in the clothes. While being healthy and looking good are good motivators for me, it's the actual shopping and buying clothes that is the biggest and best motivator for me. I know it sounds dumb but it is what works for this shopaholic!
enjoy every second of it.