DS had his 4 month shots yesterday and unfortunately got a fever last night. It was 102.3 axilary, so really over 103. I called the pedi and they rec tylenol every 4 hrs until it broke. It did after the first dose, but it got me thinking...is there anything else to do when LO has a fever? I didnt even know what to dress him in..he was burning up, but I didnt know if he would get the chills. The nurse line didnt offer suggestions so was wondering if yall had any? TIA
Re: fever after shots
I know personally for me, I would try and keep him warm, cause if I have a fever, I have chills. But that high, I would definitely try a cool wash cloth on his forehead, and foot rubs do wonders for fevers.
Also, this site is pretty cool for natural remedies.