Babies: 3 - 6 Months

s/o Formerly sttn; now waking

DS just started waking each night since Sunday after STTN since 4.5 weeks. Both DH and I are back to work so its been rough with a 2 am and a 5 am waking. I immediately figured it was hunger so I gave him a bottle and just like a lot of the posts I read, he only takes about 2 ounces and then hes back to sleep.

I dont mind feeding him if he is hungry, but 2 ounces doesnt typically fill my kid. Is this 4 month wakeful early? Am I doing more a disservice by feeding when he wakes up? He is kind of hysterical when he wakes in the middle of the night. Feeding him will easily get him back to sleep, but I'd rather address the real issue if its not food. Does anyone think feeding lo to get him back to sleep will inadvertantly set a new wake/feed pattern?

I'm thinking of just rying the paci tonight and some rocking. I dont know ...

can we discuss?


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Re: s/o Formerly sttn; now waking

  • I always try a) the paci b) rolling her into a position she likes more (she gets herself in the weirdest positions lately) before I pull out the bottle.

    I'm about 1/2 in 1/2 on what works when. I don't fight it really..I just think sometimes baby may need a snack. They'll grow out of it eventually.

  • I always, always try the paci first. She will quickly tell me if she needs to eat or if she just needs help falling asleep.  I just go by her cues. DD was STTN, but ever since she started rolling it's a whole new ball game. She usually wakes now bc she ends up on her tummy and hates it and not bc she's hungry. All you can do is try different things to figure out the reason.
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  • looks like he is about to head into the 3 month growth spurt, he could be working on a milestone. That always throws my LO sleep off
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  • I dont have any advice but we are on the same situation. DS started waking 3 times a night around 2 weeks ago. He goes to bed at 8pm, is up at 11pm, 1am, 3am and is up for the day at 5am. We both work full time, so its been hard. But Im sure it will pass, like everything.Hang in there, it will get better eventually. 
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  • Definitely try the paci first, anything but feeding if he's not hungry.  He's probably not eating enough to start a pattern of needing to eat at night, but getting used to your picking him up and holding him to comfort him back to sleep might cause a waking habit.  Try the least cuddly method possible (I know, it's hard!!!) to try to help him sleep so that he won't start forcing himself awake for the pleasure of your cuddles.  A pacifier is an excellent start.
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  • so last night he woke at 4:30. I reswaddled him as he had pretty much busted out of the Miravle Blanket - which is amazing - and gave him the paci. He took it and relaxed on and off til 5:45 when he started to cry again. Typically, if he had just gone down to the crib I'd let him cry to work it out for 5-7 min. I just didnt have the heart at close to 6 am since he eats at 7:30 so we fed him a few ounces and he went back to sleep. I'll keep trying the paci and hopefully it will work soon!
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