I am soooo over thisfuckingcold I've had for 2 weeks now, I could scream. My neck hurts from coughing so much, my tongue is numb from popping throat lozenges so much and I'm just grossed out by myself. I'd like to lay around in bed for days, but since they are installing tile floors in my house right now, that's not really an appealing option.
On the positive side - I have discovered that Mucinex tastes pretty good - way better than Robitussin.
Confession: Now is about the time where I am getting frustrated with BFing, I feel like the supply is not keeping up with the demand and I want to chuck it and just FF. And why do I have such major guilt over this?
Vent: DS needs to be held all.the.time and I feel like he cries constantly. I'm starting to lose it. I don't remember DD being this way, either that or I blocked it out. It's getting to the point where I can't get minor things accomplished (like getting dressed, eating something, brushing my teeth) without him wailing if I put him down for a moment. Aside from reflux (which I give Zantac for) there is nothing wrong with him - I think he's just colicky/gassy and it's all part of the newborn process. It takes some pretty vigorous rocking and holding him for nearly an hour to get him to stay asleep. DD is seriously testing limits too which isn't helping.
I really hate the 2's. DD has been so awful lately. I really just want her to go back to the little girl who would do anything for me and DH. I'm also very thankful that DH is working days again, because I don't think I could handle all the screaming and kicking that she does every morning and night. EVERY SINGLE FUCKINGMORNING it's a battle to get her diaper change and her clothes on. Normally I ask DH to help, I'm sick and tired of being kicked in the belly. I'm sure her brother/sister do not like being woken up by kicks either. Last night she started her crying fit again, because she didn't want to take her clothes off. After 20 minutes of screaming, battling her, we got her clothes on and put her to bed. She screamed for 30 minutes before she finally fell asleep. Please tell me that she will overcome this stage? She can't be a devil child forever right?
I don't think this classifies as a FFC or a vent, but DH just told me I could quit my job and be a SAHM. I'm seriously so excited I could do cartwheels down the hallway.
I guess the somewhat flameful part is that I'm staying on slightly longer than I need to (have to be back for 30 days because of HR/FMLA stuff) so I can get as much leave as I can paid out to me. I'm coming back after the first of the year for the sole purpose of accruing personal days and maybe getting the MLK holiday.
bumping from my phone. please pardon any typos and missing punctuation
I really hate the 2's. DD has been so awful lately. I really just want her to go back to the little girl who would do anything for me and DH. I'm also very thankful that DH is working days again, because I don't think I could handle all the screaming and kicking that she does every morning and night. EVERY SINGLE FUCKINGMORNING it's a battle to get her diaper change and her clothes on. Normally I ask DH to help, I'm sick and tired of being kicked in the belly. I'm sure her brother/sister do not like being woken up by kicks either. Last night she started her crying fit again, because she didn't want to take her clothes off. After 20 minutes of screaming, battling her, we got her clothes on and put her to bed. She screamed for 30 minutes before she finally fell asleep. Please tell me that she will overcome this stage? She can't be a devil child forever right?
patience Mama patience; this too shall pass.
Are you giving her lots of decisions to make on her own - put your pajamas on in Mommy's room or your room? Should we watch Dora for 2 more minutes or 3 more minutes, etc. You would be shocked at how many things we do for 2 more minutes at our house. When I'm about ready to wring E's neck, I try to remember how hard it is to be her too - and how her mind and emotions are always keeping up w/ what her physical body can do/wants to do.
Confession: Now is about the time where I am getting frustrated with BFing, I feel like the supply is not keeping up with the demand and I want to chuck it and just FF. And why do I have such major guilt over this?
I don't think this classifies as a FFC or a vent, but DH just told me I could quit my job and be a SAHM. I'm seriously so excited I could do cartwheels down the hallway.
So jealous of you. DH is interviewing for a new job & I have my fingers crossed. If he gets it, I'll be able to stay home as well!
@ Shanda and ngentile - DD wanted to be held all.the.time I started using the Moby when she was a week old because I thought I would go crazy. I didn't have a problem with supply, but only because I was pumping to supplement her. The bright side is that I am now below my pre-pregnancy weight. I still bf (and pump) it's still a PITA, and I know I will miss it, but I also like that I can pretty much eat like a horse and not gain weight. It's something I am going to miss when she is weaned.
I've complained about this before, but I will do it again.
Last year our friend's parents moved and they did not have any place to
go for Tday so we invited all 5 of them to our house (mom, dad & 3
kids - 1 toddler & 2 others). Now there are six of them. We invited
them + her dad for T-day ,but I am hoping they cancel. They don't watch
their kids, which is only a problem with their baby (our house is mostly
baby-proofed) and their toddler (our house is not toddler proofed). Last year, I
had to clean up food that was smeared all over my furniture and I don't want to do it again this year. I
understand DH not wanting them to be alone for the holidays, but for
christsakes - there's 6 of them + her dad, THEY WON'T BE ALONE. Yes, I am being a grinch.
Vent: DS needs to be held all.the.time and I feel like he cries constantly. I'm starting to lose it. I don't remember DD being this way, either that or I blocked it out. It's getting to the point where I can't get minor things accomplished (like getting dressed, eating something, brushing my teeth) without him wailing if I put him down for a moment.
This. DD does great at night, but during the day, she most often cries unless she is being held. During her "awake/alert" times we can occasionally get a few minutes on the play mat, but for the majority of the day she has to be held or she screams. I am so thankful that DH is still home with me because otherwise nothing would get done. It's pretty pitiful that he has to cut my meat for me at dinner because I'm often holding DD while I eat.
Mine- I am terrified of my mom and MIL buying my kids a ton of crap for Xmas. We don't have the freakin' room for anymore toys and my children do not need another blessed thing! My MIL loves to bargain shop and she hits up the outlets by her and probably sends us a box w/ a clothing item for each of them (and usually a sweater or 2 for DH as well) ONCE A MONTH. Seriously- it's like my period!
It's usually polo stuff, which I know is nice and I shouldn't be b!tching about but it's ridiculous- I don't need more kids' clothes, especially if they need to be ironed! On the flip side, all she sends DH is casual stuff, when he wears a suit 4 days a week- he does not need another flippin' sweater!
If this is what she is sending on the reg, I am really nervous about Christmas. arrrgh.
I don't think this classifies as a FFC or a vent, but DH just told me I could quit my job and be a SAHM. I'm seriously so excited I could do cartwheels down the hallway.
I guess the somewhat flameful part is that I'm staying on slightly longer than I need to (have to be back for 30 days because of HR/FMLA stuff) so I can get as much leave as I can paid out to me. I'm coming back after the first of the year for the sole purpose of accruing personal days and maybe getting the MLK holiday.
Omg, Congrats!! That is fantastic news. I am so so happy for you.
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I've had a crummy long work week already... and still 2 more days to go... boooo.... and then I thought next week was going to be a breeze, but now I have to go into DC.
Upside... Sunday is my birthday and then I only need to get through Monday & Tuesday, than I'm off Wednesday and it's up North to my family for a 5 day holiday getaway!!!
I really hate the 2's. DD has been so awful lately. I really just want her to go back to the little girl who would do anything for me and DH. I'm also very thankful that DH is working days again, because I don't think I could handle all the screaming and kicking that she does every morning and night. EVERY SINGLE FUCKINGMORNING it's a battle to get her diaper change and her clothes on. Normally I ask DH to help, I'm sick and tired of being kicked in the belly. I'm sure her brother/sister do not like being woken up by kicks either. Last night she started her crying fit again, because she didn't want to take her clothes off. After 20 minutes of screaming, battling her, we got her clothes on and put her to bed. She screamed for 30 minutes before she finally fell asleep. Please tell me that she will overcome this stage? She can't be a devil child forever right?
patience Mama patience; this too shall pass.
Are you giving her lots of decisions to make on her own - put your pajamas on in Mommy's room or your room? Should we watch Dora for 2 more minutes or 3 more minutes, etc. You would be shocked at how many things we do for 2 more minutes at our house. When I'm about ready to wring E's neck, I try to remember how hard it is to be her too - and how her mind and emotions are always keeping up w/ what her physical body can do/wants to do.
This morning was better and so was last night. We've been giving me her some more options, like 4 instead of 2. Thanks for the advice.
I don't think this classifies as a FFC or a vent, but DH just told me I could quit my job and be a SAHM. I'm seriously so excited I could do cartwheels down the hallway.
I guess the somewhat flameful part is that I'm staying on slightly longer than I need to (have to be back for 30 days because of HR/FMLA stuff) so I can get as much leave as I can paid out to me. I'm coming back after the first of the year for the sole purpose of accruing personal days and maybe getting the MLK holiday.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!! Best news ever!
BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
My grandparents bought DS two little sweater-ish romper outfits. They were too big for him at the time so I put them in his closet and never took them out. Now they're too small. I didn't like them which is why I never washed them and I feel bad because they were expensive.
Similar to the above, one of our friends made Caelan a few onesies with iron-on stuff with silly sayings, etc. I put them in the washer and one of them bled, and then I wasn't sure if I could put them in the dryer because of the iron-ons and so they've been sitting on top of the dryer for weeks and weeks and now they're too small.
DH has been out of town since Tuesday and I had planned to catch up on laundry and clean up, etc. But I did one load of laundry Tues night and I noticed water under the washer so now I'm afraid to use it. And I have piles and piles of laundry and a baby who has spit up or peed on so much stuff this week.
BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
Most mornings i can't wait to get Sean to school so I can sit here and relax with the baby. I mean, I love him, but OMG when I am here with both of them by myself I want to pull my hair out.
I totally use BFing as an excuse to sit here on my a$$ and watch stupid tv shows. Even when the baby will fall asleep at the boob, DH will ask me to do something, and I'm like "I can't, the baby's eating right now". Even though he's passed out. hahaha.
Most mornings i can't wait to get Sean to school so I can sit here and relax with the baby. I mean, I love him, but OMG when I am here with both of them by myself I want to pull my hair out.
I totally use BFing as an excuse to sit here on my a$$ and watch stupid tv shows. Even when the baby will fall asleep at the boob, DH will ask me to do something, and I'm like "I can't, the baby's eating right now". Even though he's passed out. hahaha.
Remy I do the same thing!! Except I use it as an excuse to not let my MIL hold DD. no one can really question it because I have a cover on so I will let DD lay there for like an hour.
bumping from my phone. please pardon any typos and missing punctuation
Remy I do the same thing!! Except I use it as an excuse to not let my MIL hold DD. no one can really question it because I have a cover on so I will let DD lay there for like an hour.
Re: Bump FFC/Vents
I am soooo over thisfuckingcold I've had for 2 weeks now, I could scream. My neck hurts from coughing so much, my tongue is numb from popping throat lozenges so much and I'm just grossed out by myself. I'd like to lay around in bed for days, but since they are installing tile floors in my house right now, that's not really an appealing option.
On the positive side - I have discovered that Mucinex tastes pretty good - way better than Robitussin.
Confession: Now is about the time where I am getting frustrated with BFing, I feel like the supply is not keeping up with the demand and I want to chuck it and just FF. And why do I have such major guilt over this?
Vent: DS needs to be held all.the.time and I feel like he cries constantly. I'm starting to lose it. I don't remember DD being this way, either that or I blocked it out. It's getting to the point where I can't get minor things accomplished (like getting dressed, eating something, brushing my teeth) without him wailing if I put him down for a moment. Aside from reflux (which I give Zantac for) there is nothing wrong with him - I think he's just colicky/gassy and it's all part of the newborn process. It takes some pretty vigorous rocking and holding him for nearly an hour to get him to stay asleep. DD is seriously testing limits too which isn't helping.
Vent over.
I don't think this classifies as a FFC or a vent, but DH just told me I could quit my job and be a SAHM. I'm seriously so excited I could do cartwheels down the hallway.
I guess the somewhat flameful part is that I'm staying on slightly longer than I need to (have to be back for 30 days because of HR/FMLA stuff) so I can get as much leave as I can paid out to me. I'm coming back after the first of the year for the sole purpose of accruing personal days and maybe getting the MLK holiday.
patience Mama patience; this too shall pass.
Are you giving her lots of decisions to make on her own - put your pajamas on in Mommy's room or your room? Should we watch Dora for 2 more minutes or 3 more minutes, etc. You would be shocked at how many things we do for 2 more minutes at our house. When I'm about ready to wring E's neck, I try to remember how hard it is to be her too - and how her mind and emotions are always keeping up w/ what her physical body can do/wants to do.
This was going to be my exact confession.
So jealous of you. DH is interviewing for a new job & I have my fingers crossed. If he gets it, I'll be able to stay home as well!
I've complained about this before, but I will do it again.
Last year our friend's parents moved and they did not have any place to go for Tday so we invited all 5 of them to our house (mom, dad & 3 kids - 1 toddler & 2 others). Now there are six of them. We invited them + her dad for T-day ,but I am hoping they cancel. They don't watch their kids, which is only a problem with their baby (our house is mostly baby-proofed) and their toddler (our house is not toddler proofed). Last year, I had to clean up food that was smeared all over my furniture and I don't want to do it again this year. I understand DH not wanting them to be alone for the holidays, but for christsakes - there's 6 of them + her dad, THEY WON'T BE ALONE. Yes, I am being a grinch.
This. DD does great at night, but during the day, she most often cries unless she is being held. During her "awake/alert" times we can occasionally get a few minutes on the play mat, but for the majority of the day she has to be held or she screams. I am so thankful that DH is still home with me because otherwise nothing would get done. It's pretty pitiful that he has to cut my meat for me at dinner because I'm often holding DD while I eat.
Baby Girl #2 is on her way!
Mine- I am terrified of my mom and MIL buying my kids a ton of crap for Xmas. We don't have the freakin' room for anymore toys and my children do not need another blessed thing! My MIL loves to bargain shop and she hits up the outlets by her and probably sends us a box w/ a clothing item for each of them (and usually a sweater or 2 for DH as well) ONCE A MONTH. Seriously- it's like my period!
It's usually polo stuff, which I know is nice and I shouldn't be b!tching about but it's ridiculous- I don't need more kids' clothes, especially if they need to be ironed! On the flip side, all she sends DH is casual stuff, when he wears a suit 4 days a week- he does not need another flippin' sweater!
If this is what she is sending on the reg, I am really nervous about Christmas. arrrgh.
I've had a crummy long work week already... and still 2 more days to go... boooo.... and then I thought next week was going to be a breeze, but now I have to go into DC.
Upside... Sunday is my birthday and then I only need to get through Monday & Tuesday, than I'm off Wednesday and it's up North to my family for a 5 day holiday getaway!!!
This morning was better and so was last night. We've been giving me her some more options, like 4 instead of 2. Thanks for the advice.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!! Best news ever!
BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w
BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w
BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
BFP#4: 07/12, M/C 5w3d
BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
My Blog: Decorate This
My grandparents bought DS two little sweater-ish romper outfits. They were too big for him at the time so I put them in his closet and never took them out. Now they're too small. I didn't like them which is why I never washed them and I feel bad because they were expensive.
Similar to the above, one of our friends made Caelan a few onesies with iron-on stuff with silly sayings, etc. I put them in the washer and one of them bled, and then I wasn't sure if I could put them in the dryer because of the iron-ons and so they've been sitting on top of the dryer for weeks and weeks and now they're too small.
DH has been out of town since Tuesday and I had planned to catch up on laundry and clean up, etc. But I did one load of laundry Tues night and I noticed water under the washer so now I'm afraid to use it. And I have piles and piles of laundry and a baby who has spit up or peed on so much stuff this week.
BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w
BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w
BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
BFP#4: 07/12, M/C 5w3d
BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
My Blog: Decorate This
Most mornings i can't wait to get Sean to school so I can sit here and relax with the baby. I mean, I love him, but OMG when I am here with both of them by myself I want to pull my hair out.
I totally use BFing as an excuse to sit here on my a$$ and watch stupid tv shows. Even when the baby will fall asleep at the boob, DH will ask me to do something, and I'm like "I can't, the baby's eating right now". Even though he's passed out. hahaha.
This is awesome. I still use that excuse!
hahahahaha, it comes in pretty handy.