He left a message on my home phone. My mom just called me with the details.
Evie's white blood cell count is "a little high." Dr is concerned that she may have an upper respritory infection and wants to redo the blood work.
WTF? Evie had stuff draining from her nose and eyes when he saw her. Of course she has an upper respritory infection, she has them CONSTANTLY. This is one of the reasons why she is having her effing adnoids out to begin with.
I swear I am going to lose it... I am sitting at my desk about to cry at the thought of having to take her back for another round of blood work.
Re: Dr. called re Evie's blood work
I just got off the phone with the surgical coordinator and the don''t require blood work for adenoid removal. The Dr misread the paperwork. They ONLY need the blood work for a tonsil removal.
I called and left a message for the dr letting them know that the blood work was unnecessary and that the surgical coordinator said that as long as her signs the paperwork they can go ahead with surgery on Monday.
Today has been a huge emotional roller coaster... right now I am SO ANGRY. I think I am going to explode.
We already did the blood work once... it took them 3 sticks, a defective vaccum and a blown vein to FINALLY get 1 vile of blood. Evie was screaming and gagging the whole time.
It is a relief not to have to redo the blood work, but the fact that she didn't need to go through this in the first place is what has me feeling stabby.
Someone's getting a little brother!
On a side note: have you ever tried eliminating dairy from her diet?