DD's name is Gemma and I have seen some love for that name recently on this board. It got me thinking about the name, which we absolutely adore, and it couldn't suit DD better, but many people have never heard of it and we get a mixed response. So, time to fill in the blanks with a little game that may help others out if they are considering a name.
If you name your LO ____, then ______.
I'll start. If you name your LO Gemma, then, 1) everyone will pronounce is Gemma with a hard G (like garage) 2) they will wonder if you mean Jenna 3) they'll either never have heard it before, or know a few ancient Italian ladies with the name.
Ready, go!
Re: If you name your LO "x", then....
DD #1 born 4/1/2012
My Married Bio
Awesome. Especially because in Ireland, "on the pole" means pregnant.
mm 2/17/11 * dd born 4/20/12 * bo 1/3/14 * edd 1/21/ 1/15
Love your siggy!
great idea, op! I have to say that even though it makes me wince when they do this crap we've always loved Teddy and it's perfect for him. I think what we'll see here is that there will be some kind of drawback to every name, but that doesn't make it less 'perfect.'
If you name your kid Mary Jane....
I don't have to go on now, do I?
Haha, really? Where in the world does that saying come from?
ETA: Well, Ireland, clearly, but you knew what I meant!!
TTC since June 2010.
DX hypothyroidism, pituitary hyperfunction, and PCOS.
On med/treatment break indefinitely. Not currently trying.
Lots of love to all of my Golden Girls!
The Vagtastic Voyage
Too random - high school friends of mine also have a Theodore who turned one on Saturday. Happy belated birthday to Teddy
P/SAIF Welcome
Invisible Finish Line
3T's Traveling Ovary Blog
7DPO Progesterone: low. CD3 BW: normal, HSG: clear
DX: severe MFI (low all 3) and low T. Undergoing replacement therapy.
About half of people will also exclaim at what a great name it is, and ask how we came up with it. The other half probably think we have terrible taste. :-P
I just want to give you a world as beautiful as you are to me.
This made me laugh out loud! Eh, you know...Pigpen, Linus...they sound the same.
My mother had a friend named Gemma growing up who always wore her hair half up and half down, so we always called that hair style a "gemma" when I was little.
I think it's a great name.
If you name your child Vienna/Austin/Arizona/Ford, then people will always wonder if you named your child after the place it was conceived!
Married DH 7/30/11
CSC arrived 5/7/12
CHC arrived 6/2/14
If you name your kid Sophia everyone will say it's beautiful and did you know it's the #2 name!?! (Number 4 for her birth year though.)
I didn't even know the name was popular. I had never met a Sophia before but I just loved the name for years.
If you name your LO Diggory, then 1) most people will say whaaaat? 2) some people will say "no, seriously, what is his name?" 3) you will have to explain again and again that it's a legitimate British literary name 4) a few people will love it!
Sigh. Although I LOVE DS's name, I will never pick such an uncommon name again.
If you name your LO Aaron then people will either say: With a double A? or I have a friend name Erin.
Which then leads into a conversation about how Erin means Ireland and has only been used as a name for the past 100 years for a GIRL and Aaron is a biblical boy's name meaning eloquent speaker and mountain of strength that belonged to the first priest of Israel (Moses' brother) that has been around thousands of years. (And I'm not hating on the name Erin, just want people to know they are two different names!!)
If yu name your LO Wyatt,older people will say "Like Wyatt Earp?" But it's becoming more common now, so not as many questions about it.
With Levi, I was asked if it was a family name a lot. (which it is) Or they think you named him because of Matthew McConaughey (sp?)
With Maverick, again, "Family name?" or just nod and stare. Or right out, "Why did you name him that?"