Ok, so my pedi said at my LO's 2mo appt. that it looks like he's getitng flat. I have noticed it too. He doesn't favor 1 side, it just the back of his head. He moves his head from side to side often in his sleep. He hates tummy time. I bought the lamaze tummy time mat that has a mesh piece that he lays on. It helps, but he still starts screaming like crazy after a couple of min. It breaks my heart, but I know he needs it. Also, his head control is getting pretty good so I like to sit him up while holding him and we're doing more of the bumbo.
So, my question is, has anyone used the boppy noggin nest? And if so, what did you think? Any moms out there have seen improvement in their LO's flat head, please let me know. I really want to see an improment by his 4mo pedi appt. Success stories are needed!! TIA
Re: ? for mom's with LO's that have flat head
DS's head was a little flat on one side at his 2 month appointment and me being super paranoid, got the noggin nest. It worked WONDERS. I mean, within days we saw improvement. We used it for probably the next month and a half anytime DS was on his back. On his playmat, in his bouncer, and in bed. We also had his off his head as much as possible. We stopped using it once he had good head control and was in his jumper more and his high chair. I definitely recommend it! GL!
I am right there with you on this issue. My LO has a very lopsided flat spot on the back of her head, but more to her right. She totally sleeps on that side. My doctor said to get a crib wedge, the kind for reflux....and let her sleep on that, it takes the pressure off the back of the head. I can tell a difference since we started using it. We also got the noggin nest thing too, but we hardly every use it.....my LO HATES it....screams anytime she is on it.
I just make sure we hardly put her down on her back during the day when she is awake...I mean, she is always in our arms, in the bumbo, on an incline, on her stomach.....whatever I can do to keep her off her back.
DS #1 had a severe (20 mm) asymmetrical flat spot due to inutero positioning and torticollis. He needed 2 DOC Bands from www.cranialtech.com
The twins both showed signs of getting flat spots but I have had them both in noggin nests and I am please with the results. I wouldn't get to concerned if the flat spot is symmetrical and isn't affecting the face. Minor and moderate flattening will correct itself especially once they can sit up and aren't spending so much time on their back.
This. Asymmetrical flattening is the concern, especially when it effects ear and facial features.
We are doing p/t right now for asymmetrical flattening and it is helping a lot.
We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)