So I know this is a common concern and really the only thing currently I'm having a problem with. My three month old was occasionally sleeping 5, 6 and 7 hour stretches but they were few and far between. Normally she goes to bed around 8:30 wakes at 10 pm, 2 am and 4 or 5 am. I was getting more laid back about daytime feeding and kind of let her eat when she felt like it, but I'm wondering if she got into snacking. I'm tracking every bottle now and trying to push 4 or 5 ounces every 3-4 ounces and reduce the amount I feed at night. If she is hungry of course I will feed her, but I'm wondering if she is eating less than she should during the day and making up for it at night. I'm hoping that getting her more on a routine of normal eating during the day will help this. Has anyone had luck with this? I really don't know if her waking is a developmental thing or a hunger thing although she does seem hungry.
Re: Sleep Help (Again)
This for us too. DD eats 5, 5.5-6oz bottles a day about every 3 hours. We have been on a 3 hour schedule since the beginning, and she's slowly dropped all her night feedings and now sleeps roughly 8:30p-7a. She occassionally wakes around 1am and if a paci doesn't put her back to sleep, I'll offer a 3oz bottle.
I transitioned her to all formula at the 3 month mark.