Hoping to get some help in a couple areas. Note, our DS is 3.5 months old:
1. Is it just me, or is it virtually impossible to get socks to stay on an infant? He kicks off all socks and his feet end up cold. Other than putting him in fotted pjs or shoes, I can't keep those little toes covered! Am I alone?
2. It seems that the 3-4 month night waking issue is common - where babies that previously slept well through the night (with only 1-2 feedings) are suddenly up every 2-3 hours but not necessarily hungry. Ours is up every 1-2 hours and we are beyond exhausted as this has been going on for a full week now. Curious what others experiences have been? Does this go away without doing some sort of sleep training?
Thanks ladies!
Re: Some Questions
1) DD usually pulls her socks off, up until she found her feet they stayed on.
2) The wakeful period is a phase & will pass. Some get over it sooner than others
He's just curious & interested & very aware of his surroundings and wants to take in as much as possible
DD is over it, it lasted about 3-4 weeks. We didn't do any sleep training with her but then again, we bedshare.
I have a 5 month old and we made it pass the "kicking socks off all the time", now he just pulls them off due to "foot discovery". The blanket does not keep his toes warm cause he kicks that off. My belief, this is why the footed pj's were invented.
feeding...@ 5 months we were extended to a one time a night six hour span, then after the 1st initial wake up and feed me, he gives me 3 hours and he is hungry again. some nights after his six hour nap, he likes to wake up, eat, and play for a bit. We started feeding him grains/cereal at 4 months and that helped a bit with the longer sleep time, but has not seemed to stick through the night as we were advised.
Wishing you luck from one sleepless parent to the next