Success after IF

Anyone with PCOS get pg on their own?

HI ladies... visiting from TTTC :)

I have this new found overwhelming urge to be able to just get pregnant on my own.  I realize this unrealistic considering I don't seem to ovulate, but I've heard so many stories of people who did all this IF stuff and then got pregnant on their own. 

 So I am curious, if you have PCOS (or don't ovulate regularly) and got pregnant on your own - what's your story? I am just not sure I am cut out for all of the invasive treatments.... :(

Re: Anyone with PCOS get pg on their own?

  • I got PG on my own, BUT it was after having a baby..I guess getting pregnant helped my body.
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  • I've heard that can help actually.  Hopefully #2 (if there's a #1) will be easier :)
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  • We used drugs and TI for #1...  #2 happend with condoms and VCF....  I guess I am "fixed"....
  • I saw a naturopath (ND) and was able to fully regulate my PCOS after 7 months of regular acupuncture and herbs.  It was another 5 months until I got pg but that was due to my LPD and that required further intervention.  But having not had a period for 11 months by that point, my cycle (ovulation + period) was completely regulated by naturopathic treatments.  Best wishes to you!!! :)
    Pregnant with #1 with PCOS and LPD, success with mostly naturopathic treatments
    Our Thanksgiving Day baby 11/22/07


    Pregnant with #2 with LPD, uterine polyp/hysteroscopy, DOR (AMH = 0.17), 2 c/ps
    Our early Christmas present 12/9/10
  • oooh that is very interesting to hear! I have an appointment with one next Friday that I was considering cancelling, but I'd really like to try to do this the natural way if we can afford it (the one I am going to see seems expensive, but I guess it jst depends on how often I would need to go).

    Really random question? Did you have to get acu in your feet? I am really weird about my feet and HATE other people touching them and I am most nervous about that! lol But I know there are certain places that do certain things so I don't want it to be a waste for what I need it for if I refuse to let him touch them.

  • BTW - your daughter is beautiful!!!

  • Thank you!

    Yes, quite a few were in my feet, actually.  But it's worth it. :)

    Best wishes to you!!! :)

    Pregnant with #1 with PCOS and LPD, success with mostly naturopathic treatments
    Our Thanksgiving Day baby 11/22/07


    Pregnant with #2 with LPD, uterine polyp/hysteroscopy, DOR (AMH = 0.17), 2 c/ps
    Our early Christmas present 12/9/10
  • I got pregnant on my own after having my twins.  They were 15 months old and we got pregnant without treatments.

  • I started eating a low glycemic index diet, lost some weight and began running.  I was pregnant three months into doing all three of these, no meds.



  • I have PCOS with anovulation.  I had tried to rounds of Clomid and neither made me O.  Then I had a surgery a few months ago for pre-cancerous cervical cells to remove half of my cervix and so DH and I decided to wait until January to save some money for our first IUI since that was pretty much our only hope since we are entirely OOP.  I had a break cycle BFP.  No clue how it happened.  I had started taking Vitex (chasteberry tree) and Cinnamon Bark herbal supplements because I had read it does wonders for PCOSers, but other than that, we had been TTC for 2.5 years and never a BFP.  We are thinking it was a combination of the supplements and maybe the Clomid jump starting a random O.  Who knows?  GL!
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  • I don't have a firm PCOS diagnosis, but I'll tell you my story anyway. I was anovulatory, got AF on my own maybe once or twice a year. I have polycystic ovaries but my hormones do not indicate PCOS.

    Anyway. I took Clomid for four cycles from May to August 2007, in increasing doses, and never grew a single follicle. In June I also started taking 1000mg metformin even though I did not test insulin resistant. In October I did a Gonal-f cycle and ovulated for the first time in the year I'd been off BCP. After that, I started ovulating on my own every cycle. I don't know why. Was it the metformin finally kicking in after five months? Did the Gonal-f cycle kickstart my ovaries?

    I had one other obstacle (minor endo, removed by lap in April 2008), and then I conceived on my own in August.

    Good luck to you!

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  • I was put on Metformin, which forced a low carb diet and I got pregnant in 4 months.  Good luck!
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  • I kept putting off treatment, because we were 100% oop.  I started eating a low carb diet and my cycles started getting shorter (eventually from 60 days to 45).  I got pregnant and it ended in m/c.  After the m/c, I stopped charting, checking cm, everything.  We had decided to take a break for a few months, plus my dr wanted me to wait a cycle before trying again.  Six weeks after the m/c, I hadn't gotten my period yet and was going to start provera, but took a test just in case.  Sure enough, it was positive.  My progesterone was really low, and my dr thinks that's why I m/c the first time.  I was put on progesterone suppositories until 13 weeks and almost 14 weeks later, I'm still pregnant. 
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  • We did twice......but both times we ended up m/c. The first time, we had started working with the RE and I was on the Met....he had me on the Met for a month and then we would start treatments. My AF never showed.....we were PG, but I had an early m/c at around 5 weeks.

    We had our DS with the help of IUI and injects....

    Then, when our DS was 9 months, we miraculously got PG on our own again. I was not on Met this time, but I had been doing the low carb diet, which helped regulate my cycles. Again, we m/c, only this time it was at 10.5 weeks....

    There are miracle stories all over the board......for us, its not the right way. PCOS can cause you to have a higher risk of m/c if its not under control, so we will no longer try on our own.

    I am back on the Met and am waiting for my first AF post D&C......on our 3rd cycle post D&C (which should be at the end of Dec/early Jan....), we can start doing treatments with the RE again..... 

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  • I saw an RE, but my sister (who also has PCOS) got pregnant two months after having a liposuction on her hips and lower belly. (She was tired of the "tire" :o) but since she thought she would never get pregnant, didn't use birth control). My other sister (who also has PCOS) exercises vigorously and is normal weight, but only gets her period when she fasts once a year (10 days, eats nothing but lemon juice and maple syrup, with lots of water) I think she is nuts, but whatever.

    ?I got pregnant on Clomid/Trigger Shot/IUI. It's not too bad. I am now on metformin and B-complex vitamins.?

    Good Luck on whatever you choose!?

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