This is a new problem for me. DS is 4 months, and although he takes short naps (45 minutes) he has always gone to sleep in his crib when I lay him down sleepy. I know how to pick up when he is getting tired, and it's never been a big issue. The only time he would cry when I put him down was when he had a cold.
Just this weekend he has started to cry as soon as I try to put him in his crib for a nap. I can tell he's getting tired, he's not over tired, and I'm not doing anything differently. I can't figure out what's wrong! He's not sick that I can tell, he will lay on his back to play so it's not the position. He is teething, but he doesn't cry about it much, just needs something to bite down on often. He did get his 4 month shots on Thursday, but this didn't start until Friday evening, so I don't think they are related.
Any ideas what could have caused it or has anyone gone through this? I want to figure out the cuase so I can help him, the poor guy gets so tired now before he will go to sleep, and I'm not going to let him CIO so we both get exhausted.
Thanks for any ideas or help you can give!
Re: I need major nap help
I didn't think there was a 4 month growth spurt?? I thought 3 then 6? It could be the shots or he could just be more aware of the fact that his crib means nap time and he wants to play?? I would say that you should probably keep trying and then rock to sleep to at least keep your sanity.....Oh, and I have these 45 min naps too. I hope it changes soon. I have heard that naps should get longer by 6 months. FX