My LO started rice cereal which he does it off of a spoon. He eats pretty well with a spoon.He just doesn't seem to like the taste. I then proceeded to try oatmeal which he liked a lot better. At the same time, he developed a rash on his neck. I took him to the doctor and they said it was from drooling. The rash is getting better but then I noticed a little on his back. I still believe it may be from the oatmeal. My husband and I are both very sensitive to certain things. Anyway I'm wondering if i should just skip cereal or if I should add a little banana to the cereal for some taste. Any advice would be much appreciated!
Re: Did anyone skip cereal?
How old was your LO when you started foods? What did you start with?
This. Cereal has no real health benefit. We are also looking into baby led weaning. Next week is the big week:)
While DD is drinking Breastmilk exclusively going back to work has made her lazy nurser so we started introducing cereal and purees about the same time mainly because she has been looking at us longingly while we sit down together for dinner...she loves her Apples and Pears as well as Sweet Potatoes...Peaches are a no go...
I always mix cereals for her in Breastmilk and add some pureed fruit or veg...
We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)