So ever since putting LO in the crib he wakes up at 12am/1am every night and I have to cosleep the rest of the night. Cosleeping has really become uncomfortable so I came up with this brilliant idea last night to give him a smidgen of milk (2oz) when he woke up at 1am while he lays in the crib and it worked! He rolled over cooed for a bit and fell asleep till 4am (his normal time he wakes for a feeding) so then I just had to cosleep until 8am. I would love not to have to cosleep at all.
Do you think this will cause an extra feeding habit? Or is it possible he will drop it and keep sleeping like he has done? I'm also hoping to feed him his last oz of formula while lying down in the crib for his 4am feeding in hopes that he will be able to fall asleep In the crib and not our bed for the rest of the morning but he is pretty energetic and it usually takes him half an hour to fall back asleep after his early morning feed.
Re: Crib troubles, setting myself up for disaster?
Idk because as soon has his head hits my bed he is snoring