Babies: 3 - 6 Months

This probably makes me a bad mom, but...

LO has an ear infection and hasn't slept well in days.  While she was nursing, she pooped.  Then she fell asleep.  And I'm not going to wake her to change her.  I think sleep-deprived baby (and mommy) trumps sitting in a poopy diaper for a little while, right?


Eh, it's okay if you don't agree.  I'm still not waking her.

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Re: This probably makes me a bad mom, but...

  • I'd do the same thing. Big Smile  I'm sure she needs all the sleep she can get, I hope she feels better soon!
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  • I can't blame you. Sleep is good. I've delayed changing a diaper before too because of sleeping and no diaper rash. Now blow-outs are a different story. Today my daughter had one in her brand new white snow suit...haha! 
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  • So long as it wont give her dipaer rash, let her sleep. Hope she feels better soon.
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  • i totally understand...when my LO is tired and falls asleep, sometimes i choose not to wake him to give him a bath before bed thing..AND...

    i don't do middle-of-the-night diaper changes. My LO wakes up happy & rested & he's never had a diaper rash.  

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  • No way. I think a lot of moms would do the same thing (I would). I doubt a few hours of sleep in a poopy diaper will kill her. :-)
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  • you're not a bad mom. Baby needs her sleep!

  • Idk I didn't know my lo had pooped and he sat in it for an hour and I'm dealing with horrible diaper rash ugh it sucks! I would hate to deal with diaper rash plus and ear ache
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  • I let LO nap after he pooped while nursing the other day.  Turned out it was a really little poop(although they always sound big) and he had a nice nap!
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  • Hey - a baby's gotta sleep! I usually slather DD with Butt Cream at every change to avoid diaper rash - sometimes the poops are more acidic than you never know - but in this case I would def let a sleeping baby sleep!
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  • If your LO were a boy I'd say to leave him in poop and risk the diaper rash in the name of his sleep, but you really don't want to risk infection in a little girl from poop in her girl parts.  That will lead to less sleep later when she's crying from discomfort!
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