For a month now N was a super awesome sleeper. Down around 8 on average, up once at 5 or 6 to eat and back down for another couple of hours. The past 3 or 4 nights though, he has been waking more and more often. He went down at 7:30 tonight and has already been up 3 times. I think he might be teething but I don't know for sure. Some drool, gnawing anything he can get his hands on, fussiness, night waking. However he's also gotten good at back to belly rolling and not so good at belly to back. I'm not sure if the night waking is because of teething or because of rolling and getting stuck. Or a combo.
I guess my question is once teething is done (this round anyway) will he go back to sleeping well? And if the night waking is because of the rolling, will he go back to sleeping well once he can roll both ways well and knows that he needs to roll away from the side of the crib? I know no one can say for sure but what has your experience been?
Re: XP: Teething and STTN