Babies: 3 - 6 Months

OT: gifts for godparents?

Hi, we're baptizing my baby this weekend.  Do we get the godparents a gift?  After the ceremony we're having a seated lunch at a nice restaurant.
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Re: OT: gifts for godparents?

  • I have a godson and I didn't receive a gift at his baptism and it did not even cross my mind that I would.  Maybe a framed picture afterward?
  • That's what I thought.  My H asked so I said I'd look into it.  Thanks!
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    we're taking photos of the godparents holding griff after the ceremony and then printing them out right after and framing them.  the picture frame is kind of fancy with a shiny cross beside it.  we might even have it engraved.  then we'll give it to the godparents at the dinner reception afterwards.

    you dont *have* to get them gifts but its nice to do so. 

  • I did get DD godparent's picture frames.  Actually they weren't expensive and were very nice from Hallmark.  I then made sure to take a nice picture with her and each of her godparent's to put in the frames.
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