Babies: 3 - 6 Months

Lunchtime car ride = wonderful afternoon!

DS fights sleep HARD. I can't really complain because he STTN like a champ, but he does not nap at all. If I do get him to sleep, it lasts about 10 minutes even if he was super tired when he falls asleep and is swaddled with white noise in his Rock n Play. My old tricks have stopped working completely.

So this afternoon DS starts to get fussy, so we load up into the car. We take a tour of the town, pick up coffee at the Panera drive thru, and take the back road home. We were in the car for about 40 minutes.

I feel bad having DS spend time in the car when I don't need to. The risk of a car accident is SO much greater than most of the things that we parents worry about - SIDS, cancer, anything else.

But he is so happy now! He's chattering away with his stuffed giraffe and I'm about to take him into the bedroom to "help" with laundry. I'm so temped to make the afternoon car ride a habit.

Re: Lunchtime car ride = wonderful afternoon!

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