Babies: 3 - 6 Months

poo strike

howdy.I have an ebf daughter who will be 4 months next wednesday.  She has been regularly pooing once to twice daily her whole little life until monday.  No poo monday, two tuesday then no poo wednesday and just a little bit today.  Anyone else with this issue?  Any recomendations?

Re: poo strike

  • I JUST got finished taking my DS temperature to induce pooping : )  Sounds gross, but I swirled the thermometer around a little bit and as soon as I pulled it out he started to poop.  He is MUCH happier!  However, DSs poop was not hard so he must not have been constipated-just needed a little help.

    If your LO is truly constipated I know they suggest a tiny bit of apple or pear juice if you are OK with that... 

  • From what my pediatrician has told me this is very common with EBF babies around this age. This hasn't happened to DD, but at her 3 month check up the doctor gave us a heads up that it could happen and not to worry unless it exceeded 3 days (I think).
    Mr.&Mrs. Ash&Vic Est.1.21.2006 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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