Hey girl,
Okay, first, I'm so sorry! I really, truely didn't mean my post to sound all braggy, but it did. I hate it when people make me feel bad for things their kid is doing and Mia isn't... so I just wanted to apologize and let you know that that wasn't my intention at all.
Mia moved quickly, but was very, very behind in other areas (sttn, gah). All babies develop at their own pace and she is right where she needs to be! Don't worry about her, she's the perfect Charlotte.
And if I may be completely honest? There were times I desperately wanted her to sit back down and just chill for awhile.
Re: ccc'swife
Oh my goodness, your post was not braggy in the LEAST, girl! ?Do not think that for a second. ?Mia stood and walked early - that's not bragging, those are just the facts! ?I did not take it like that at all. Don't apologize!
I know that Char is just doing what's right for her. ?I guess it just seems like everyone else's child (on the Nest and in my groups of friends) is already crawling, and she's not, so I of course start comparing, which is DUMB! ?She does already have two bottom teeth, though, so maybe she's ahead in that respect, lol
I really don't want you to apologize - you were not being braggy at all, I knew that wasn't your intent (you were just responding to MGR's original post, which also was not braggy - she asked people to share and that's exactly what you did!). ?I promise I didn't think about it in that way at all. ?But I appreciate you paging me to tell me about Mia. ?It makes me feel better. ?You are so sweet and you are one of the LAST people I would think is bragging!! ?
I'm so glad it didn't come across like that. Honestly, those braggy moms get me so much because it's not like they can say they did anything to make their kid poop better than yours, ya know? It's crazy.
And yes, you have a fabulous teether on your hands! And she's super cute. Who needs to crawl when they are that cute?
I haven't talked to you in forever! How's everything going? Are you working outside of the home, or did you make the plunge into business for yourself?