Maryland Babies

I might have to take a break from the Natl. Bump boards

they are just way too many hysterical people over there.

I thought by the time people's kids are older, they wouldn't be so freaky and paranoid about everything, but I think the only people that are left are the freaks. 

Maybe I'll just troll the baby boards and tell everybody to let their 2 week old CIO or something 

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Re: I might have to take a break from the Natl. Bump boards

  • Uh oh, what did you see?
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  • What national boards do you visit?



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  • I don't visit the month/age boards...
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  • imageKathrynMD:

    Maybe I'll just troll the baby boards and tell everybody to let their 2 week old CIO or something 

    but then someone might listen to you and follow it up by giving their 2.5 week old rice cereal in a bottle.


    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • The only one I can remotely stand is the WM's board. Even then the "first day back and I can't ever 'leave' my baby" or the "my baby has been in DC for a day and isn't eating or sleep and never will again" or the "I hate my job, how do I work from home making 100k a year while not having a nanny or childcare" hysteria is annoying.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageCooper81:
    The only one I can remotely stand is the WM's board. Even then the "first day back and I can't ever 'leave' my baby" or the "my baby has been in DC for a day and isn't eating or sleep and never will again" or the "I hate my job, how do I work from home making 100k a year while not having a nanny or childcare" hysteria is annoying.

    yeah. .  I'm tired of holding everyone's hand on WM, but I remember how hard it was too.

    Nothing special on the boards - just people freaking out b/c their 2 yo or 3 yo is being a typical kid - "OMG, my 3 year old won't eat anything"  "OMG my 2 yo says "no" to everything"  etc.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • imagedaisyterp:

    Maybe I'll just troll the baby boards and tell everybody to let their 2 week old CIO or something 

    but then someone might listen to you and follow it up by giving their 2.5 week old rice cereal in a bottle.


    you say this like its wrong or something



    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I can't even deal with TB's nationals on a trainwreck/voyeurism level and that's really saying something.  The crazy is just too much.
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  • I've given up on the National boards for the most part. I started posting on and really haven't come back.
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