they are just way too many hysterical people over there.
I thought by the time people's kids are older, they wouldn't be so freaky and paranoid about everything, but I think the only people that are left are the freaks.
Maybe I'll just troll the baby boards and tell everybody to let their 2 week old CIO or something
Re: I might have to take a break from the Natl. Bump boards
but then someone might listen to you and follow it up by giving their 2.5 week old rice cereal in a bottle.
yeah. . I'm tired of holding everyone's hand on WM, but I remember how hard it was too.
Nothing special on the boards - just people freaking out b/c their 2 yo or 3 yo is being a typical kid - "OMG, my 3 year old won't eat anything" "OMG my 2 yo says "no" to everything" etc.
you say this like its wrong or something
BFP#2 1/12/12 ~ Missed M/C 8w2d
Francesca Pearl is here! Josephine Hope is almost 3!