If you would of asked me two plus years ago, I would of said Belle or something, but nope, we don't really have any nicknames for Annabelle. When she was little we use to call her Miss poopy pants, but we don't anymore.
Poor girl has so many NN. Mostly her name in different versions. However, my neighbor calls her Markie Mae. I was team green and it drove my neighbor nuts, so that was the unborn babies name for months and it has carried over into her out of the womb name. My neighbor always corrects us if we use her real name, ha!
I used to sing the Bumble Bee Tuna jingle to her, substituting Emily for Bumble Bee and DH got it stuck in his head when we flew to Oz. After 17 hours in the plane, the nickname stuck.
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We don't really use any NN, but at school they call her Ella - El or Ella Bella. She HATES Ella Bella now and corrects anybody who calls her that, this is kind of a problem now that half the kids call her that.
Monkey is the NN we used most often but we also call him Muchkie, Peanut, Peanut Butter (a natural extension of peanut, but it's just me who uses this one...), Pea, and Mr. Stinky Pants (DH uses this one). We are actually trying to make a conscious effort to call him by his name so he knows it, lol.
ETA: Oh we call him Baby a lot too.
BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
Bailey gets called Bay, (short for Bailey and also her initials) by DH and I call her Bails, or Munchie-Girl. I started calling her munchkin, and then Munchie-Girl took over. I have no idea how and I am sure it's weird to others but, that's what I call her.
Dylan has so many! & yes, he's called all of these daily:
Dyl D' Monkey Monkeyman Goober Munchkin Munchkin butt Baby (gotta stop that though since we're expecting #2)
I think that's all of them, lol! & he responds to them all so he knows it's in reference to him. & he's called "Gabriel" when he's in trouble (middle name). He knows that too because he puts his head down.
I like to call him Boo Bear, but DH hates that, haha. We use E-man quite a bit... and we have the ability to call him EJ too, but we haven't started that yet...
Somewhere along the way "Smudge" morphed into "Muggle" - which is a horrible thing for a HP freak to call her kid, so I'm trying without much success to break the habit. I briefly considered making the leap to "Wizard" - but, yeah, that isn't going to work.
Aside from that, we probably call him "Maddox Cole" just as often as we call him "Maddox".
We use a few.... Our oldest is our "peanut". Our youngest is our "ladybug" or "buggie". Those are the cutesie names we throw out when playing with them. On an everyday basis my youngest's name is Luciana (loo-chee-ah-na, rarely does her name get pronounced correctly :-) ) Often we will just call her Luci.
We mostly just call her Clara, but sometimes we say Clara Bara, Little Lady, Miss/Little Miss/Missy, Sweet Girl, and Angelcake - not sure where we came up with that one, honestly...I think I was trying to say angel and dollface at the same time, and maybe thinking about cake (highly likely)???
Poor Ada has a bazillion names. I call her, A, Aya, Ada Cate, Ada Cat, Ada kitten, and Butter bear. My husband calls her Ada pants, girly pants, and most recently, due to an argument about my decision to spell Cate with a C, Ada Steve.
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Yes, he has a few NNs. We call him Punk'in Puss. My mom started calling him that when he was a month old or so. I have also been calling him Turkey Head lately. I have no idea why. I also call him Bubby sometimes.
BTW - my 11 yo nephew is still called "Pea" (for Peanut) by his parents. He's tough kid (of course!) and QB on his football team - everytime they scream "Go PEAAAA!" it cracks me up.
He seemingly has a ton... some that relate to his name and some that are completely out of left field.
The most common is Jake - it seems like everyone wants to shorten his name to this, so almost everyone that meets him calls him this. Not sure why, since it's not like Jacob is so hard to say, but whatever. Picking my battles... DH and I do Jakey-Jake, Jakers, Jakity, Bugaboo, Bud (DH), Boogs (me), and variations on Bud and Boogs, to the extent that one of us will come out w/ something every once in a while and go, "what did I just say?" while the other laughs about it.
Re: Does your LO have a nickname?
We started out calling Ava Doodle Bug but now it's just shortened to Doodle.
Faith has a bunch. Started out being Faithy Roo, then Faithy Roosevelt (lol), now it's Roosie or Faithy. Poor girl.
Poor girl has so many NN. Mostly her name in different versions. However, my neighbor calls her Markie Mae. I was team green and it drove my neighbor nuts, so that was the unborn babies name for months and it has carried over into her out of the womb name. My neighbor always corrects us if we use her real name, ha!
Tuna, Tunie, Tunes or any variation of Tuna.
I used to sing the Bumble Bee Tuna jingle to her, substituting Emily for Bumble Bee and DH got it stuck in his head when we flew to Oz. After 17 hours in the plane, the nickname stuck.
Monkey is the NN we used most often but we also call him Muchkie, Peanut, Peanut Butter (a natural extension of peanut, but it's just me who uses this one...), Pea, and Mr. Stinky Pants (DH uses this one). We are actually trying to make a conscious effort to call him by his name so he knows it, lol.
ETA: Oh we call him Baby a lot too.
BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w
BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w
BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
BFP#4: 07/12, M/C 5w3d
BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
My Blog: Decorate This
DD's name is Lucinda and we call her Lucy, or Lucinator, or doo doo (a term of endearment in France).
One woman at daycare calls her Lulu and I HATE it. I think I will start calling that lady Sha-na-na.
Someone's getting a little brother!
Yes, because apparently I am unable to call any of my human or furry children by their god given names.
Sean is Boo and Blake is B to DH and me. However, my secret name for Blake right now is Mr. Snuzzles.
Dylan has so many! & yes, he's called all of these daily:
Munchkin butt
Baby (gotta stop that though since we're expecting #2)
I think that's all of them, lol! & he responds to them all so he knows it's in reference to him. & he's called "Gabriel" when he's in trouble (middle name). He knows that too because he puts his head down.
Somewhere along the way "Smudge" morphed into "Muggle" - which is a horrible thing for a HP freak to call her kid, so I'm trying without much success to break the habit. I briefly considered making the leap to "Wizard" - but, yeah, that isn't going to work.
Aside from that, we probably call him "Maddox Cole" just as often as we call him "Maddox".
BFP#2 1/12/12 ~ Missed M/C 8w2d
DD is Weezie, sometimes shortened to Weez. We haven't yet made the jump to Weezer.
DS is Baby Davis Man or Baby Davis Mon w/ a bad Jamaican accent. Sometimes that gets converted into BD or BDM.
Avery's NN is Avie because that's what my old babysitter's kids used to call her. I will call her Avie Lou since her middle name is Louise.
Ryan is Ry-Ry because that is how Avery says his name and it has sort of stuck!
He seemingly has a ton... some that relate to his name and some that are completely out of left field.
The most common is Jake - it seems like everyone wants to shorten his name to this, so almost everyone that meets him calls him this. Not sure why, since it's not like Jacob is so hard to say, but whatever. Picking my battles... DH and I do Jakey-Jake, Jakers, Jakity, Bugaboo, Bud (DH), Boogs (me), and variations on Bud and Boogs, to the extent that one of us will come out w/ something every once in a while and go, "what did I just say?" while the other laughs about it.
... every single day of forever.
We have a ton! Every imaginiable variation of her name, plus random stuff that is made up.
Evie, Eve, Eva, Eva-the-diva, Evie Knevel (when she had her helmet)
DH calls her Monkey a lot and has recently shortened that to Monk-Monk.
Her inutero name was "Selurie" (That's her rock star name, it is fancy for Celery.)
Bug, Poo bear, stinky, pretty girl, Jose
She has a ton of nicknames, also Jos (like dose) and at daycare they call her JoJo which DH hates but I really love.
Francesca Pearl is here! Josephine Hope is almost 3!