DD loves to color. She probably colors almost every night. She also loves coming home and play with her toy kitchen (which she got for her 2nd birthday).
DD is still a little young for toys but she does have a few things that she will stare at wide eyed when we place them in front of her.
We got a set of these B&W flash cards from Similac and she is obsessed with them. We have them propped up at every changing station in our house and she's always 'talking' to them.
This isn't the exact set she has, but same company.
She also has this little stuffed animal/crinkly beaver toy by Lamaze that we renamed Justin Beaver. She loves him. We change words to Justin Bieber songs to include her name and sing to her. We're lame LOL!
bumping from my phone. please pardon any typos and missing punctuation
It's now her blocks. She will sit and play with her blocks for hours. She does love her kitchen but I need to get accessories to accompany it. That's on DD's Christmas list
Her kitchen is her favorite "big" toy, but she's pretty happy taking care of her babies - giving them bottles, pushing them in the stroller, putting them to bed, for hours. Books are big too. She's just started playing "games" and we have the Memory Game which she doesn't really play, but she likes to look at the cards.
Right now, Sophie is still his favorite toy. Though the mirror is a close second - he loves staring at "that cute baby" in the mirror. Other than that, anything he can shove into his mouth is a hit (the wrong side of a paci, bib, burp cloth, basically any soft toy).
BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
We've gotten blocks, an activity table, a talking puppy and drums. There is also a stacking toy, a spinning top, a walker and a toy train. The activity table with the lego-like blocks keeps her busy for about 20 minutes. Otherwise, she likes daddy's computer, the remote and chewing on her nasal aspirator . She also likes banging things with a wooden spoon and playing with a set of measuring spoons.I think we have failed as parents.
She's still a little young for real toys, but she loves that paci of hers. Ha. She also likes to stare at the glow-seahorse toy, and I'm not sure if a playmat is considered a toy or not but she loves that.
We've gotten blocks, an activity table, a talking puppy and drums. There is also a stacking toy, a spinning top, a walker and a toy train. The activity table with the lego-like blocks keeps her busy for about 20 minutes. Otherwise, she likes daddy's computer, the remote and chewing on her nasal aspirator . She also likes banging things with a wooden spoon and playing with a set of measuring spoons.I think we have failed as parents.
this is totally normal. One of DS's fave activities is taking the dry dog food and moving into the dog's water bowl. Also he loves make-up brushes. I think his favorite toys probably are the dogs though, between chasing them, throwing balls for them, and messing with their food, they provide him with much entertainment.
DD still likes the play kitchen and her little table, she will play restaurant and take your order, go and "make" food and bring it to you. DS will "cook" too. We have 2 dollhouses and a train table (which we use w/ the lego duplo blocks too,) and they get some use, but it's not like either child will sit immersed in an activity for more than 20 minutes. DD has a variety of dolls and is just getting into changing her dolls' clothes, but she loves to put them down for naps or just line them all up, etc.
this is totally normal. One of DS's fave activities is taking the dry dog food and moving into the dog's water bowl. Also he loves make-up brushes. I think his favorite toys probably are the dogs though, between chasing them, throwing balls for them, and messing with their food, they provide him with much entertainment.
Good to know. The dogs really are DD's favorite toys. She likes to pet them, watch them and play with their food bowls. If I really want to get things done in the kitchen, I let her play in the dogs water. Of course, I get them clean water when she is done.
this is totally normal. One of DS's fave activities is taking the dry dog food and moving into the dog's water bowl. Also he loves make-up brushes. I think his favorite toys probably are the dogs though, between chasing them, throwing balls for them, and messing with their food, they provide him with much entertainment.
Good to know. The dogs really are DD's favorite toys. She likes to pet them, watch them and play with their food bowls. If I really want to get things done in the kitchen, I let her play in the dogs water. Of course, I get them clean water when she is done.
Um, I don't. DH always throws away the water and food after DS has dumped the food into the water, but I think 12 yr old Daisy who has had a couple teeth pulled actually prefers the wet and soggy food. She always eats it all!
Um, do the dogs' dishes, dogs' toys, and garbage cans count? He lives to throw toys in the garbage can (reallllly irritating b/c we're constantly sanitizing toys!), hurl the dogs' toys across the living room/over the baby gate at the stairs, and throw his magnetic letters from the fridge into the dogs' water dishes. We did have the phase of throwing fistfuls of dog food across the kitchen, which made me want to pull my hair out 10x a day, but luckily that's been replaced by being more interested in picking up dog food that the dogs drop outside their bowls and putting it back in the bowls. He also lives for finding every single power button in the house and pushing it on, off, on, off, on, off, on, off... you get the idea.
Seriously, he loves his toolbench, baseball tee/baseball, football, and various baskets/bags to collect things into. He's also really gotten into books and cars/trucks lately - he loves "driving" the cars and making car noises, and we read Are You My Mother? and The Ear Book about 400x/day.
Re: What are your LO's favorite toys?
DD is still a little young for toys but she does have a few things that she will stare at wide eyed when we place them in front of her.
We got a set of these B&W flash cards from Similac and she is obsessed with them. We have them propped up at every changing station in our house and she's always 'talking' to them.
This isn't the exact set she has, but same company.
She also has this little stuffed animal/crinkly beaver toy by Lamaze that we renamed Justin Beaver. She loves him. We change words to Justin Bieber songs to include her name and sing to her. We're lame LOL!
Ava loves all of her toy instruments. We also have DS's rubber drums (from a rock band game or something) in the living room that she "plays."
She also likes capes--she uses Faith's bath towels. Zulily had capes yesterday so I ordered her one for Christmas. I am so excited for her to open it.
Also books--she loves reading (hopefully this will continue!)
BFP#1: 01/10, M/C 6w
BFP#2: 06/10, M/C 5w
BFP#3: 09/10, DS born June 1, 2011
BFP#4: 07/12, M/C 5w3d
BFP#5: 12/12, EDD 08/18/13
My Blog: Decorate This
this is totally normal. One of DS's fave activities is taking the dry dog food and moving into the dog's water bowl. Also he loves make-up brushes. I think his favorite toys probably are the dogs though, between chasing them, throwing balls for them, and messing with their food, they provide him with much entertainment.
DD still likes the play kitchen and her little table, she will play restaurant and take your order, go and "make" food and bring it to you. DS will "cook" too. We have 2 dollhouses and a train table (which we use w/ the lego duplo blocks too,) and they get some use, but it's not like either child will sit immersed in an activity for more than 20 minutes. DD has a variety of dolls and is just getting into changing her dolls' clothes, but she loves to put them down for naps or just line them all up, etc.
Good to know. The dogs really are DD's favorite toys. She likes to pet them, watch them and play with their food bowls. If I really want to get things done in the kitchen, I let her play in the dogs water. Of course, I get them clean water when she is done.
Um, I don't. DH always throws away the water and food after DS has dumped the food into the water, but I think 12 yr old Daisy who has had a couple teeth pulled actually prefers the wet and soggy food. She always eats it all!
Um, do the dogs' dishes, dogs' toys, and garbage cans count? He lives to throw toys in the garbage can (reallllly irritating b/c we're constantly sanitizing toys!), hurl the dogs' toys across the living room/over the baby gate at the stairs, and throw his magnetic letters from the fridge into the dogs' water dishes. We did have the phase of throwing fistfuls of dog food across the kitchen, which made me want to pull my hair out 10x a day, but luckily that's been replaced by being more interested in picking up dog food that the dogs drop outside their bowls and putting it back in the bowls. He also lives for finding every single power button in the house and pushing it on, off, on, off, on, off, on, off... you get the idea.
Seriously, he loves his toolbench, baseball tee/baseball, football, and various baskets/bags to collect things into. He's also really gotten into books and cars/trucks lately - he loves "driving" the cars and making car noises, and we read Are You My Mother? and The Ear Book about 400x/day.
... every single day of forever.