Maryland Babies

Port Discovery?

Has anyone taken their infant here?  My son is 10 months and is not walking yet.  I saw they have a section called "Tot Trails"... is it worth it for me to take him or should I wait until he is walking?  TIA
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Re: Port Discovery?

  • Its a cute room, but overpriced for just an infant/beginning walker IMO.  We took my DD for the first time last year when she was 2+ and it was a litttle too babyish for her frankly.  Go to the Science Center, they have a better young toddler/infant area IMO
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • had a deal on admission there today!

     We went on a half price day and it was FABULOUS. We stayed for about 3 hours my LO had so much fun.

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      Francesca Pearl is here!             Josephine Hope is almost 3!
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