Maryland Babies

Hall rentals

Can anyone recommend or suggest any halls that are available to rent in the Middle River/Essex/White Marsh area that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Trying to find a place to have my daughters first birthday party.  Needs to hold about 50-60 people.  TIA!
DD born February 18, 2011

Re: Hall rentals

  • imagenwarner324:
    Can anyone recommend or suggest any halls that are available to rent in the Middle River/Essex/White Marsh area that doesn't cost an arm and a leg. Trying to find a place to have my daughters first birthday party.  Needs to hold about 50-60 people.  TIA!

    Have you tried Middleborough Fire Dept? They have a really nice hall we have used for parties a couple times. I can't remember how much it costs, but I believe it was reasonable. Good luck!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • I live in Middle River and have never seen any halls but I have come across this website .  In addition, I think Marshy Point Nature Center might rent for birthday parties but you'd have to contact them. The phone number is 410-887-2817.

    Marshy Point Nature Center Print

    7130 Marshy Point Road

    Telephone: 410-887-2817
    Fax: 410-335-8995

    Information: TDD/Deaf 410-887-5319









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