Northern California Babies

Stunned and scared...dust request

This may be long and TMI (warning)

So, we decided to start TTC when I believed I was ovulating (week of Oct 10).  Multiple days of trying, then I tested on Oct 24 I believe and it was a BFN.  I got AF on Oct 27, so figured ok, next month we will try.  Well, on Sat I started having a tiny bit of spotting (only when wiping after urinating).  I thought, weird, but not much more.  Well it continued yesterday, so thought, this could be implantation bleeding (happened with DS) although that would be weird, well guess what BFP!  So shocked and obviously excited.  Took 2, both positive.  BUT, then I thought, what if my "period" was a miscarriage?  Could it be?  Would my test still be positive at this time?  If not, I am already 5.5 weeks.  I want to believe this is true and I am pregnant, but scared to get excited too.  Please, I could use sticky dust!  All your good thoughts and prayers are much appreciated.  I have an ultrasound scheduled friday, but of course it still could be too early.  I am hopeful, but scared.  Thank you!

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