Maryland Babies

BF pro's - any tips for transitioning to a bottle?

My mom's friend's daughter is trying to get her 4ish month old to take an occassional bottle and having a very hard time apparently.  My mom asked me if I had any ideas and I didn't really - just suggested she keep trying different bottles/nipples, different positions for the baby and try having someone besides mom try it out.  Anything I'm missing? 

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Re: BF pro's - any tips for transitioning to a bottle?

  • Nothing here....just keep trying different nipples and bottles like you said. Sean had to take a bottle at like 1 week old b/c my supply sucked at first and I had to pump a lot. I think the longer you wait the harder it is.
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  • Make sure the baby's mouth is open and her/his tongue is sticking out a little, enough to at least contact the bottom lip.  You have to make sure the baby is getting the nipple far enough back in her/his mouth to be able to make it work.

    There are LCs in the area that can help you get the baby to take a bottle, my cousin used one.

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  • Kellymom has a lot of great resources that have suggestions.  Here are 2 links with a list of suggestions.  Some of them are contradictory (like giving a bottle when the baby is sleeping) but most people can use common sense to weed out which ones they want to use.

    Link 1

    Link 2

    bumping from my phone. please pardon any typos and missing punctuation
  • imagecamdenfaithful:

    Kellymom has a lot of great resources that have suggestions.  Here are 2 links with a list of suggestions.  Some of them are contradictory (like giving a bottle when the baby is sleeping) but most people can use common sense to weed out which ones they want to use.

    Link 1

    Link 2

    duh - kellymom!  thanks

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  • Ditto pp's comments. I didn't give DD a bottle until she was 8 weeks old, but she did fine. FWIW, I have never given her a bottle, yet. DH and daycare do it. Some babies won't take a bottle if there mom is around or from their mom. I had to leave the house and drive somewhere before DD would take one...
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  • imagemadladybride:
    Ditto pp's comments. I didn't give DD a bottle until she was 8 weeks old, but she did fine. FWIW, I have never given her a bottle, yet. DH and daycare do it. Some babies won't take a bottle if there mom is around or from their mom. I had to leave the house and drive somewhere before DD would take one...

    DS was the same way. If I was around he wanted it straight from the tap and flat out refused. I was so worried when I went back to work but he took a bottle for DH right away. I did go back at 6 weeks though.

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  • imagemadladybride:
    . Some babies won't take a bottle if there mom is around or from their mom. I had to leave the house and drive somewhere before DD would take one...

    Thritto this- the one family I babysat in NYC, the DD would stop taking the bottle when the mom got off the elevator onto their floor.

    Also at 4 months she might want to just try w/ a sippy or spout cup vs. a bottle... 

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  • Moving around while feeding LO, PLaytex Drop ins with the latex nipples, mom being gone for a while.

    Those are the only things that worked for us. 

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  • I tried giving Faith a couple bottles of pumped milk before going back to work and they were all failures. My first day back though, she started taking them no problem. It's like she sensed I wasn't there and knew it was her only option. 
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  • Interestingly enough, DD would ONLY take a bottle from me when we first tried one at 3-4 weeks. Maybe it's because I was in the house she wouldn't take it from DH, but I walked over and started giving her the bottle and she was fine. It took 1-2x like that and then I had to pass her off to DH once she got started...after a few days she'd take one from him and anyone else.
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