Northern California Babies

My toddler has forgotten my name....

No, not really, but he sure has taught us a lesson that everything we say gets tucked away in his little brain. Apparently DH and I use pet names a little too much because instead of "Mommy" and "Daddy", we are now "Honey". As in "No, honey, no!" or "Can I have that please, honey". Really cute but at the same time I want to be mommy again. I'll have to record it :-) Now to figure out how to get him to call me mom again...
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Re: My toddler has forgotten my name....

  • That happened to my aunt! My cousin's daughter kept hearing her grandpa call her grandma "Honey," so little Cayenne started calling grandma "Honey," too! Now all the grandkids call grandma Honey (although Cayenne acknowledges that Honey is her grandma, now that she is in 3rd grade)!

    How funny. Good luck on getting LO to call you mommy again Smile

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