i know some regression is normal when a new baby comes along, let alone two. DD has been potty trained for a year now. Twins are 5 months and she is still having poop "accidents". She will start to go just a little and then stop and seems completely unphased that it is there.
This is starting to get really frustrating. Any experience or tips?
Re: older DD; potty "accidents"
Well, it'll depend a little on what type of person she is. My older son was pretty swayed by me just putting him back in "baby diapers" (not even pull ups) because he wasn't ready. He hated the thought of it and shaped up pretty quickly from there. My younger son could care less about being a big boy, he actually told me that he'd prefer to be a baby and wear diapers, not even being sassy just how he was.
I know it's frustrating, but try to sort of ignore it a little as much as you can, either switch her back to pullups for a while or just calmly make her change her clothes. My neighbor's daughter keeps refusing to pee (she's 4 now!) even though she obviously can do so, so it's just been a matter of her being consistent about her changing her clothes. She also doesn't seem to mind at all. Oh, and some kids work well with bribery too, which I am totally for when it comes to potty training, so if she manages to not poop her pants for like 1 day, she can get a candy, and if it's 10 days, she can get a small toy or something. It's just a matter of breaking her will a little on this one, once she gets the reward for a little while, the problem usually goes away.
Good luck! Potty training was the biggest loop I've been thrown as a parent so far
Videos of telling my family and husbands family that we are preggo...with twins!
Yeah, not getting upset was really important (still lost it from time to time), but he thrived on but the negative attention, especially with the new baby around. Good luck!