FI and I sat down last night and finally made it through our "long" list and are on the path to picking names to take to the hospital. I'd love some input, if you have rude comments however, please keep them to yourself... it's okay to dislike a name obviously but I know from personal experience this board has a habit of being snarky... my hormones are way to up in the air for that today lol so please positive input and positive criticisms and if you have spelling preferences for a name please please list them! Thanks
Hallie, Charlotte, Ava, Lorelei, Summer, Bristol, Renee, Vienna "V", Kiley
Some that were crossed off the list last night, but are still in my head are
Shae, Ragen, Esme
... I'm not sure how big of a fan I am of any of these though I have a hard time seeing any of them age well... (could just be the hormones throwing me for a loop) and popularity is kinda a knocker for me to and I see Charlotte, Ava and Lorelei blowing up
and those are our original favs...
Re: Our "Short" Name List + CLICKY
Charlotte is so classic and pretty.
I dislike Hallie and prefer Haley. Vienna is ok. I don't really like Lorelei and dislike the nickname Rory, it just sounds kind of harsh for a baby. Ava is pretty good. Not a fan of Regan, Esme or Kiley, Summer, Bristol and Shae. Renee is very pretty too.
So my choices would be Charlotte, by a lot. Then Renee and then Ava.
I voted for Renee.
LIKE/EH: Charlotte, Renee, Ava
TTC since June 2010.
DX hypothyroidism, pituitary hyperfunction, and PCOS.
On med/treatment break indefinitely. Not currently trying.
Lots of love to all of my Golden Girls!
The Vagtastic Voyage
*BFP 10/15/11*CP 10/18/11*
*BFP 2/1/12*EDD 10/14/12*natural M/C 2/24/12 7w*
*BFP 5/2/12*E born 01/03/13 (her due date)
Like: Lorelei (though I don't care for Rory), Summer
Dislike: Hallie, Bristol (x1000), Shae, Ragen
Interesting list! Here's my two cents:
Hallie - I'm assuming this is HAL-ee, not HAY-lee, right? Just asking because I think this will be a question you'll have to answer a lot. This is ok, but feels cutesy and tired.
Charlotte - A lovely, timeless classic.
Ava - Sure, this is super popular, but that's because of it's simple beauty.
Lorelei "Rory" - This name has never appealed to me personally, though I get why people like it. I like that it's feminine but has a boyish nickname if your daughter isn't a girly-girl.
Summer - This got my vote. I like word names and think this is beautiful and underrated. However, she'll be a winter baby, so that might be something people get a laugh about-- I know my FIL would ALWAYS bring it up, not in a snarky way, just in that dorky dad way, you know? Just something to think about.
Bristol - Just, no. No matter what your politics are, this name is much too tied to a polarizing pregnant teen. I don't see how this could be a good thing.
Renee - This is interesting. It seems kinds 70's, but could be time for a revival. I doubt there would be another Renee in her class, so it would be unique without having to get kr8tyve. I like it.
Vienna - I grew up with a Vienna. By Jr. High, there were a lot of jokes about how much she liked "sausage". Just warning you.
Shae - Definitely misspelled. Shea is nice, but masculine to me.
Ragen - I don't like this, esp. the spelling. Reminds me of The Exorcist.
Esme - Very pretty.
Hope that helps. Good luck!
I voted for Charlotte.
If you do Hallie, I would either spell it Hailey (if you're trying to pronounce it HAY-LEE) or Halle (if you're trying to pronounce it like Halle Berry does). I think these are the two proper spellings. I do really like Halle.
The only one I REALLY dislike is Vienna. Too strong of an association with that Vienna girl from the Bachelor.
There are several that I like- Charlotte, Ava, Lorelei, Bristol, and Shea.
I like Hallie, but not as a given name. Same for Kylie (spelled this way).
I really like Shea, but only spelled Shea or Shay. Shae looks off to me.
I don't like Ragen, but regardless, it is spelled Reagan. If you are trying to get away from presidential association, then don't use the name. Misspelling it is not the answer. Raven could be a similar-sounding alternative.
The others are nms.
This exactly - all of it (including the Vienna part). I love the name Reagan, but I'm am not a fan of the spelling above.
This. And it is on our short list if this LO is a girl. DD's name is Piper. So we like less popular/common names.
I have always like Charlotte too though.
All of this. Not crazy about Esme, and I know a lot of Avas. I also only know men with the name Shea. And the first thing I thought when I read Vienna was "sausage". I like Summer the best (and it's our girl name most likely too), and Charlotte is okay too. Ragen made me think of the Exorcist as well.
Thank you so much ladies!
As for Ragen - I only know of one girl named this and that's how it's spelled so that's just what I went with because it's familiar... so we aren't trying to get creative with the name it's just what's familiar with me.
Whoever mentioned Vienna=liking "sausage" thankyou! We never thought about that association ugh that would be awful for her!
And yes we are looking to pronounce Hallie like it is in The Parent Trap... I strongly dislike Hayley eck plus too many negative name associations with it for me. I don't like the idea of spelling it Halle ... I was always confused about how to pronounce Halle Berry's name... hallie or literally just hale? so confusing to me... plus I never liked her anyway hahaha
Funny, I really like Summer and just named my daughter Piper.