Maryland Babies

Jen and Pastor's Wife

Jen-you will be having another little girl.

Pastor's wife-I am feeling boy for you.

I'm usually pretty good at this (except when it comes to my last pregnancy, apparently).

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Re: Jen and Pastor's Wife

  • and what do you think I'm having?


    kidding, kidding!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hey now, Remy. Are you trying to step on my guessing toes?! 

     If you hadn't just had a baby, I would totally throw down ;) 

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  • Very interesting Carrie. I have gotten several, oh I think a boy because of the way your carrying. I think a girl too!



  • How about me??  I'm always interested to see what people think Smile
    IUI#1 = 09/10 - Canceled - Dx w/POF
    DE IVF #1= 04/11 - BFP
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  • imageKaybee44:

    Hey now, Remy. Are you trying to step on my guessing toes?! 

     If you hadn't just had a baby, I would totally throw down ;) 

    hee hee, sorry! I have guessed correctly for almost all my preggy friends so far....of course I have a 50/50 chance!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imagelenebene:
    How about me??  I'm always interested to see what people think Smile

     I keep thinking girl for you, Lene!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imagemrs. remy:

    How about me??  I'm always interested to see what people think Smile

     I keep thinking girl for you, Lene!

    Cool...  I'm thinking girl too, since I want a boy Smile 

    IUI#1 = 09/10 - Canceled - Dx w/POF
    DE IVF #1= 04/11 - BFP
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  • Just throwing my 2 cents in here:

    I think Jen will have a girl

    Pastor's Wife will have a boy 

    Lene will have a boy

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • imageMegcheer2:

    Just throwing my 2 cents in here:

    I think Jen will have a girl

    Pastor's Wife will have a boy 

    Lene will have a boy

    I agree on Jen & PW, but Lene I think girl. FWIW I KNEW I was going to have a boy. They are all boys, DH is one of 3 boys, his fathers brother, 2 boys, his father is one of 2 boys, it's like the past 4 generations on the male side of his family are all boys, the only females have married in. So when I get KU, best bet is another boy. Which I will be more than happy with
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickersLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Interesting, very interesting... DH would be thrilled with all of these boy guesses. He desperately wants another boy (but that's b/c he swears he'll worry too much about a girl :P ). All of our family/friends are guessing girl, but I'm pretty sure that's just b/c they all want a girl since we already have a boy!

    For the boy side, I am carrying much like I did with DS. The biggest thing is really the size difference-DS always measured WAY ahead (head 3 wks ahead, femurs 2 wks ahead, abdomen 1 wk ahead) and this one is perfectly on schedule with every measurement (like, right down to the exact day) and weight is "only" 50th percentile. It will be pretty crazy if we wind up w/ 2 boys that are so differently sized!

    And if I'm honest, while I do think it would be great for DS to have a brother b/c they're so close in age, I would really love a girl... And it is driving me crazy that I don't have a single feeling about this one like I did w/ DS!!! 

  • I think all three of you are having boys.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Yea, if you take my side, I have a 50/50 chance but I'm not in the equation..  The donor has a girl and DH has a brother and a sister...  So we'll have to wait and see. Smile
    IUI#1 = 09/10 - Canceled - Dx w/POF
    DE IVF #1= 04/11 - BFP
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  • imagelenebene:
    Yea, if you take my side, I have a 50/50 chance but I'm not in the equation..  The donor has a girl and DH has a brother and a sister...  So we'll have to wait and see. Smile

    What's on your FIL's side?

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • imageKathrynMD:

    Yea, if you take my side, I have a 50/50 chance but I'm not in the equation..  The donor has a girl and DH has a brother and a sister...  So we'll have to wait and see. Smile

    What's on your FIL's side?


    MIL - has a sister

    FIL - doesn't know his family 

    IUI#1 = 09/10 - Canceled - Dx w/POF
    DE IVF #1= 04/11 - BFP
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Ooh, if we're taking into account family, DH's family definitely tends more towards boys - DH has a brother and a sister, then FIL is one of 3 boys (one of FIL's brothers has a son and a daughter, the other brother has 2 sons), and FIL's father is one of 4 boys.

    Methinks our chances of a girl aren't good. :P

  • imageThePastor'sWife:

    Ooh, if we're taking into account family, DH's family definitely tends more towards boys - DH has a brother and a sister, then FIL is one of 3 boys (one of FIL's brothers has a son and a daughter, the other brother has 2 sons), and FIL's father is one of 4 boys.

    Methinks our chances of a girl aren't good. :P

    I have a good friend who's DH's family hadn't had a girl in 5 generations. Their first child was a boy and the second - a girl!!

    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I think PW is having a boy, Jen is having a girl, and Lene is having a girl too. But I'm never right. ;)

    I thought I was having a boy b/c it was all boys on DH's side of his family besides his one sister. (DH is one of five, only one girl, FIL is one of four - all boys, FIL is one of three - all boys). I went back and forth with "feeling" but in my gut I really thought boy because of DH's family history...I guess you just never know.

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