DD has had major sleep regression the last three weeks. Prior to this she was sleeping from about 8 pm to 6-7 am which was great. For the last three weeks she has been getting up several times each night and I can't figure out why. She'll BF but she's not really hungry, she isn't too wet, temp is fine. I thought maybe a growth spurt or 4 month wakeful but this has been going on too long for that right?
So....do you think her reflux could be waking her up? She was up literally 1-2-3-4-5-6 last night and I'm so tired I can't think straight anymore. The best sleep she had was propped up on me while I sat in a chair which is how she slept during her worst reflux days. The GI says her meds are as high a possible...any suggestions?
Re: reflux and sleep?
No clue but just wanted to say we are dealing with something similiar with DS right now DD is fine, but DS will go down, sleep for a little and wake right back up screaming. This goes on for atleast 2-3 hours and then he wakes super early in the am.
You know we dealt with the same thing with JS about a month or so ago. After reading and researching and crying I realized he wasn't eating enough during the daytime hours to sustain him. Even when we offered him a bottle in the MOTN, he would fall asleep eating but then wake again within 2 hours.
Anyway, do you think C is getting enough milk during the day? I know you're nursing, so it's hard to determine how much she's drinking. Maybe you could nurse and then offer a bottle of BM afterwards?
JS is taking 24-27 oz a day in addition to breakfast and dinner.
I thought this might be it too so I've been trying to offer breastmilk more often so she gets full. She also gets one bottle of BM each night with her vitamins so we increased the amount there as well. The other thing is she isn't really hungry when she wakes up at night-she will eat but only because I offer, she doesn't really act hungry otherwise. She did a little better last night-only up twice so we'll see what tonight holds. I'm so tired I'll try anything at this point.
Our precious girl, born at 27 weeks.
JS wasn't acting hungry either.
Did she finish the extra in the bottle last night?
She did finish the bottle. I'll try to get her to eat more during the day and see if it helps. I hate the idea of pumping to make the extra bottles...maybe I can do some cluster feedings in the evening to see if that helps. How much does JS eat at breakfast and dinner? Maybe I need to increase those too.
Our precious girl, born at 27 weeks.
He eats A LOT! I've just added breakfast over the weekend. He's eating 1/4 cup oatmeal with 2 tablespoons of applesauce and just enough milk to mix. At dinner he's eating 1.5 tbs of veggies, 1 tbs of fruit & 1 tbs mixed with oatmeal. The kid likes to eat!
I've also starting giving him snacks. He LOVES Gerber puffs. I was worried about them, but he doesn't gag on them. He gets mad when he can't pick them up, but overall he's doing well.
Sidenote - I gave him a waffle fry from Chic Fil A on Friday. You would have thought he had never had food before. Another reason I'm gonna win Mom of the Year - fries for an almost 8 month old
And also....have you tried any meats or proteins with C?
C doesn't eat anywhere near that much. I'll see if she wants to do more, a lot of times she is just "done" but maybe she needs more variety I tend to just defrost one thing at a time for each meal.
I wouldn't worry about the fry...I'm almost certain C will be getting worse at my mom's house soon. I'm trying not to worry about it.
We haven't tried any proteins yet but I am starting to wonder about it. Our EI nutritionist comes tomorrow (I have no idea why we get a nutritionist but as long as they send her, I'll take the advice and weight check!) so I'll ask her about it. I don't totally follow what she says though since she was very "rice-veggies-fruit" in that order only and I skipped cereal and mixed veggies and fruit. Either way, I'll let you know what she says.
Our precious girl, born at 27 weeks.