1st Trimester

Another bathroom question!

has anybody ever tried counting how many times they go to the bathroom in a day? i think that will be my mission tomorrow.

i know i go about 10 times at night and i think its a bit excessive already. sometimes i just get the feeling that i have to pee and nothing comes out :( anybody have this problem also?


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Re: Another bathroom question!

  • I definitely have the problem. I have so much pressure like I'm about to explode, but when I go barely a trickle comes out.

    However, I do feel lucky because last night was the first time since my BFP that I actually had to get up in the middle of the night to go. 

  • I feel like I am always in the bathroom.  Liquid goes right through me. I would be careful if you have the urgency to go and you don't when you are in the bathroom, that you may have a UTI.  That is always my first indication of a UTI. 

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  • It's weird to say, but I'm a bit jealous! I've been struggling with my water intake due to m/s. I'm going my regular amount, but I know I'm not getting enough water. 

    I hope to have your problem soon! :) 

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  • This pregnancy combined with a possible UTI may be the death of me.  I'm going on Monday to get checked out for the UTI but at one point yesterday, I was literally going every 5 minutes.  Yes, I'm a nerd and timed it.

    It was so bad that I wasn't getting any work done (working from home), so at one point I decided to take my laptop in with me.  Might as well try to be productive (in more ways than one).

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  • im so happy to know that im not alone, recently had a urine test and i dont have UTI, i just really want to sleep at night :(
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