I have my first apt on the 26th ... and I am so nervous I cant think straight. I am so worried something might be wrong, it can not come fast enough.
So for all of you who have been down this road before .. what can I expect at the first apt? I think I am 8-10 weeks pregnant.
Re: Nervous for first appointment
Mabenner-You are so close to your dd!!!
My 2nd "first appt"* is on the 27th and this is my 3rd time down this road--it doesn't get any less nerve-wracking on the 2nd or 3rd time around if that makes you feel any better
The dr. did the transvag ultrasound, HcG and progesterone levels as well as chlamydia and gonnerhea (sp?) tests (my dr. does it on first prenatal appts. regardless of marital status). Gave me gobs of prenatal vitamins. He usually does my annual exam at my first prenatal appt. (pap, pelvic exam, breast exam, etc.) but DH was there watching and needed to get back to work so I wanted to get to the ultrasound asap
*I had my first appt. last week and I had a dating ultrasound but it was too early to see heartbeats since my cycles are 6 weeks long so I'm going in again next week to hopefully see heartbeat(s)--he saw 2 sacs but it was sooo early he didn't want to diagnose twins just yet. Anyway, I think the wait for this 2nd "first appt." is more painful than the other one. I'm making lots of plans for next week, lunch dates, hair appt., etc. to keep me busy until the appt. You should do the same! It helps to stay busy.
It goes SO fast. I feel like I just found out I was pregnant, while MH told me the other day it feels like I've been pregnant forever haha.