1st Trimester

Heard the heartbeat for the first time!

Ok I'm going to sound like an idiot here, but oh well.
It really didn't hit me until yesterday that I was pregnant.

Yes, there was HPT, then the second one, then the bloodwork, then the sonogram... but I've been having an easy go of it (my heart goes out to all of you will bad ms - I just constantly feel sick, but never really get sick...) and somehow, somewhere deep inside I think I doubted this pregnancy until yesterday.

The doctor started the machine up, and tells us that we're pretty early at 11 weeks and might not be able to find it right away... so just as I'm starting to relax as I wait, there it is... whooshwhooshwhooshwhoosh. I was so surprised I started to tear up! I said, "omg is that the baby??" and my doctor laughed and said "well it's certainly not you!"

So now I'm sitting here, still completely shell-shocked that I am pregnant, goofy smile on my face, knowing that this is real and I am 100% responsible for this little person's welfare. Does anyone else have any shell-shocked heartbeat moments?

Re: Heard the heartbeat for the first time!

  • This is our first and even though I am watching what I eat and drink and following all the pregnancy rules I dont think it will be real until that first u/s. I dont want to wait until my 12th week to see it! I want to now! 

    I am so excited for you! And dont feel stupid, I know I feel exactly the same way! 

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  • I have an appointment next week but have no idea if we'll hear a heartbeat (will be about 9 weeks).

    I keep fluctuating between feeling pregnant (mainly when super tired or feeling icky) to wondering if it's real, to worrying that something will be wrong...it's such a rollercoaster! I was actually trolling around here this morning to find out if other girls feel the same way and to get some affirmation on this. This morning I don't feel very sick, and it's just all these days of feeling kind of blah...you just start to wonder if everything is ok in there. I can imagine that hearing a heartbeat will finally bring some peace of mind.

    Are any of you kind of freaking out once in a while about this? Is it possible to avoid the scary thoughts?

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  • I just heard the heartbeat today for the first time too!!  Definitely a "reality check" because you tend to forget if you don't have the baby bump to remind you! :)  Another "ah ha" moment for sure! 

    I was worried and anxious...  a huge sigh of relief when I heard the little whooshing noise!  It is tough when we can't "see" in there each day just to check, so its nice to have that reassurance!

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