1st Trimester

Charters...Do you know when implantation occured??

Hi ladies.  I don't post here often, but I hope you guys can help.  I am curious to see how late you guys implanted for your pregnancy. 

According to my chart and my betas, I didn't implant until 10, probably 11 DPO!  I know this because my betas at 12 DPO was a big fat 19.  Of course I had to google late implantation and now I am freaked out about the super high miscarraige rate.

Any other late implanters here?  Have your doctors given you any warnings?

 Our baby boy,Logan, was born still at 19w3d on 7/1/2011
Our 2nd baby boy, Mason, was born still at 20w3d on 1/31/2012

 After a much needed sanity break... we are praying for our rainbows

((BFP 7/29/13))  ((EDD 4/12/14))  It's BOY/GIRL twins!!!

Re: Charters...Do you know when implantation occured??

  • In times like these it is best to step away from the google.
  • imageACC0512:
    In times like these it is best to step away from the google.

    I wish I could.... but I am my own worst nightmare!  Embarrassed

     Our baby boy,Logan, was born still at 19w3d on 7/1/2011
    Our 2nd baby boy, Mason, was born still at 20w3d on 1/31/2012

     After a much needed sanity break... we are praying for our rainbows

    ((BFP 7/29/13))  ((EDD 4/12/14))  It's BOY/GIRL twins!!!

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  • Based on the huge temp spike I saw at 9DPO, I'm guessing implantation happened on 8DPO.

    While I've heard the same stats on late implantation, I don't think 10DPO has the high rates you're afraid of. So step away from the computer and try not to worry about it. 

  • I'm pretty sure I implanted at 6dpo based on a slight dip at 5dpo, then more noticeable dip at 6dpo before spiking back up at 7dpo.

    From what I just read, it looks like there was only really one big study of a couple hundred people drawing a conclusion about the link between implantation and risk, and it is from more than a decade ago (and two even smaller studies from many years before that).  Not exactly overwhelming scientific evidence, IMO. 

    I know it's hard to stay calm, but it looks like your betas have been rising nicely -- try to hold onto that as a positive sign!

    ETA:  I also noticed the study said the link was to increased risk of early m/c before 6 weeks -- it looks like you're there, or nearly at that point, so hang in there!  There is absolutely no evidence out there for any link once you make it to six weeks.

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  • imageACC0512:
    In times like these it is best to step away from the google.

    But Dr. Google is my ob/gyn. She knows everything...

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  • My philosophy for the time being is if there's nothing going on to worry about (bleeding, etc), then try not to worry!! I have had a miscarriage, so I completely understand. But I am even making myself not google things. 

    At 10 DPO, my betas were 20, so I guess it implanted about 6-7 dpo? But I've read many places that anywhere between 7 and 10 dpo for implantation is normal.  

    BFP #1 4/23/11, EDD 1/4/12::No heartbeat @ 9 wks::D&C 6/1/11 
    Child #1  June 2012
    Child #2  Feb 2014
    Child #3  Feb 16
    BFP 3/9/17
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  • Based on the first positive pregnancy test and how long it takes for enough hcg to develop, we are fairly certain that implantation occurred on 7 dpo.

    If your betas are good, that is far more important than when you implanted.

    Gabriel Ross - August 24, 2009 * Vivienne Rose - May 1, 2012

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  • Are you sure they are talking about 11 or 12 dpo as late?  Late could easily mean much later than that.


    I charted by I don't know when I implanted, but since I got my BFP at 11 dpo, I know I implanted a few days before that. 

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