1st Trimester

9 Weekers... How ya feelin'?

I'm a bit bloated, but I think so far as M/S goes, I'm sort of past the worst. I get a little queasy in the evenings and gag sometimes but have never vomited.

I think my moods have been alright, I'm not driving DH as mad as a few weeks back in any case.

My nipples are still sore, but I've had no breast growth, woe :( 

And I'm a bit sleepy sometimes, headaches and fatigue sometimes too. Honestly though, all in all I feel like I've been lucky. I haven't had a single pimple since this whole thing started and I got TERRIBLE breakouts every month before. My skin's never been so nice! 


How about you?

Eleanor Gwendolyn

Re: 9 Weekers... How ya feelin'?

  • Exhausted and I am seriously so tired all the time that when I am not sleeping, I am thinking about the next time that I could be sleeping. It's all I think about.

    I also just busted out my bigger bras from when I was PG with DS. I am up a cup size for sure.

     Other than that, I am ok. This is very much a repeat of last time for me.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I'm pretty much the same as you.  Bloated some days.  I was taking Unisom and B6 but just stopped last night because it made me feel really strange and I feel a lil queasy today but not as bad as I was.

    Haven't had bad mood swings.  I had two days where I just cried all day, but I wasn't upset or anything.  I just cried.

    No breat growth here either... wtheck??? That's the part I was looking forward to the most!  But, my left boob has always been bigger than my right but now somedays my right boob is bigger that my left... so that's kind of exciting! lol

    I sleep a lot (might have been the Unisom), and get the occasional headache.  No zits, never had a problem with them before and still don't. :))

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  • M/S still pretty bad... I had a few good days at the beginning of the week and got all excited and then it came back with a vengeance... :o/ Hopefully it will go away next week (that's what I tell myself every week...)

    My boobs are growing like crazy and I was already a D cup... DH is excited... I'm not... Lol... Wish I could send it to you girls who want it!

    Still having food aversions to almost everything... Especially meat...

    I cry randomly, but I haven't gotten angry or annoyed like I was before so that's a definite plus!

    And my sense of smell is in super overdrive! I can smell everything! It's awful!

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  • I'm actually feeling pretty good today!  Nausea seems to be going away, only comes occasionally now.  I'm def. starting to feel some RLP tho, every time I stand up I feel aches/pains in my lower belly.  I have a feeling i'll be in maternity pants within the next 2-3 weeks because i'm already rocking the unbuttoned jeans :o)  Still exhausted pretty much all the time, but I've been able to stay awake today during DS's nap and actually got some cleaning done :o)  Had our first ultrasound on Tuesday and it was so amazing to see that tiny heart beating!
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  • Today is the second day in a row I woke up feeling good. I noticed I got a little nauseous last night and I still gag now and then but nothing like it was. I am still super tired and I am still waiting for my energy to come back. My breasts have already grown a cup size and are very full. They hurt now and then. Pretty bloated and cant buttong almost all of my pants. Still I have only gained about 2lbs!

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  • I've been feeling relatively good this week. I'm still tired at the end of the day but I'm getting through the days easier now. My eating habits have stabalized a little and as long as I eat every two hours then I don't have m/s. I've been gagging a bit more, but not vomitting. My lower back has been starting to act up though!

    I, too, feel really lucky so far.

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  • Ive been feeling pretty cruddy.  In tired all the tome, moody, sore bb's, nauseated all day, headaches and my skin was doing good but it's been getting progressivly worse.  Hows that for a run-on sentence?  My sweet phone wont let me edit the spelling on here.  Sorry.  :)
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