Hey all! I'm new to this but I'd really appreciate some support. I had a miscarriage in February 2011, ended up having a D&C. It was an awful time. But, thankfully, we just got a BFP on 10/15/11. But, I'm FREAKING OUT!!! I'm scared to death. I don't think I could handle another loss. My doctor is having me come in next week to do additional blood tests to check my progesterone levels. Any advice on how to remain calm until we are "out of the woods"? Thanks
Re: Pregnancy after a miscarriage
My first pregnancy ended in a loss and then I conceived my son shortly after. Unfortunately, I never stopped worrying the whole time I was pregnant. I can tell you it does get a whole lot easier when you are big and can feel that baby moving, it is nice reassurance. Just try to keep telling yourself that today you are happy and pregnant. GL!
There's no real way not to worry. I always found the mantras from the PGAL board helpful. I'd even write them down on sticky notes and hang them on my mirror for the bad days:
? Today I am pregnant and I love my baby.? I am pregnant until someone tells me otherwise.
? My past does not dictate my future. A previous m/c does not mean I will have another m/c.
? Just because something sad is happening to another poster, does not mean it will happen to you. We all know m/c and complications are not contagious!
? Hope does not make bad things happen" You cannot ?jinx? your pregnancy by creating a ticker, getting excited, or telling someone. Live in the positive!
? There is nothing I can do to prevent a m/c from happening. Worrying yourself sick doesn't prevent a m/c. And if (God forbid) it were to happen again, I know I will survive.
Bloggin' It
Wow, I know that when I do become pregnant again, I will come back to this post and live by it, thank you!! I had a C/P my last cycle and am now in my 2WW of this cycle. I am praying for a BFP but if it doesn't happen this cycle, I know it will happen when it is supposed to.
To the OP, congrats and a H&H 9 months to you!! I can see how worry would consume you, but try to relax and live by the mantras Coastie posted!
I have no real advice because I'm still freaking out on a daily basis and haven't yet figured out how to calm down and not worry. You can also post on the Pregnant After Loss board, where there are a lot of ladies who will understand what you are going through. Good luck!
I have had two miscarriages and now I am pregnant again so I know exactly what you mean. The best advice I can give is to just breathe deeply when you need to..sounds crazy but it helps me when I get down and worried.. and to think happy thoughts! No stressing and try your best to just be calm for you and the LO's sake. Those PGAL mantras were awesome that were posted above and I will have to take some of those for myself!!
But everything will be fine and I know that this baby will be a happy and healthy take home baby! For me and you!!! Take care and positive vibes to you!!
DD 10/31/09 - BFP 3/22/11 M/C confirmed 4/9/11 at 8w4d - BFP 10/5/11 EDD 06/16/11
*Vote on our Baby names*
5 Angels
Then came a miscarriage March '11
Then came a baby in the baby carriage May 16, 12
Waiting on our second little peanut!
I've lost 8 pregnancies. I try not to think about it. There's nothing I can do about it. The baby is fine as far as I know and stressing about it freaks me out and is bad for the baby. I stalk the tp and try not to obsess about every twinge. On the downside, I think I'm less excited about this pregnancy and less attached to the baby then I was a t this point with my son.
Try acupuncture. It helps.