Dont get me wrong, my husband and I are 100% excited about having a baby but I so do not feel the glow.
I'm smelling things that I didnt know had smells and things that do smell I smell 100 times more, the good, the bad, and the ugly smells.
Most foods smell AMAZING but one bite and I'm running for the nearest basin to barf in, not to mention one look at whatever it is that is wafting deliciousness into my nose I get heart burn from hell that goes from my toes to the tips of my hair, and believe me on top of all this I do NOT need split ends.
I get heartburn from just breathing, sitting up, laying down, upside down, it doesnt matter. I've considered giving it a name so that way I can look at it as an annoying friend rather than heartburn.
Oh... yeah... an no one told me about acne on my scalp. Not like white head pimply pre-teen acne but enough acne-like that I know its there.
Lets not forget the late night gas crescendo that my husband finds amazingly sexy.
The one half way good thing... my boobs, which where D's before getting pregnant, are now god knows how big. I have to wear a regular bra and then a compression sports bra over it because they HURT when jiggled. My husband LOVES them, which is fine as long as its from a distance because one look and they start to twinge in pain.
Even better.... I have about 30ish more weeks to go.
Re: I feel so BEAUTIFUL being pregnant.... NOT
Then came a miscarriage March '11
Then came a baby in the baby carriage May 16, 12
Waiting on our second little peanut!
Oh... It doesnt help that while attempting to eat dinner, which smelt great as the heart burn kreeped up my chest, my husband says "You know there's an old wives tale that if you're having a girl they steel all your beauty"..... Thanks Hun!
M/C October 25th 2010. Its been almost 6 years since I said goodbye
I hear ya! Oy!
You know, this sense of smell thing is nuts. I was in the bathroom the other morning with the door shut, and my husband came in, and I said, do you smell that? What is that?
The cat had just crapped in the cat box down the hallway in one of the spare bedrooms. I had the bathroom door shut! I couldn't believe I smelled it.