Our flip diapers came today! And the clothes hamper liner, the wet bag for diaper bag... now tomorrow the extra flip inserts will be here, and I can finally... finally stop washing the CDs from the trial ever day (sometimes 2x a day)!!
I've caught myself trying to talk others into using CDs... )
Re: My diapers and "stuff" came today!
It's fun to talk others in to using CD's! I totally convinced my sister and cousin (who then convinced another cousin) to use them. My pregnant cousin (due in 2 weeks) is also going to use them!!!
Not sure which Flip inserts you are getting, but if you got the organic ones, you will have to wash them a few times before using. If you got the stay dry, I think one wash is fine. Have fun w/your new dipes...it's addicting to buy more!!