Cloth Diapering

My diapers and "stuff" came today!

Our flip diapers came today! And the clothes hamper liner, the wet bag for diaper bag... now tomorrow the extra flip inserts will be here, and I can finally... finally stop washing the CDs from the trial ever day (sometimes 2x a day)!!

I've caught myself trying to talk others into using CDs... :o)

Re: My diapers and "stuff" came today!

  • It's fun to talk others in to using CD's! I totally convinced my sister and cousin (who then convinced another cousin) to use them. My pregnant cousin (due in 2 weeks) is also going to use them!!!

    Not sure which Flip inserts you are getting, but if you got the organic ones, you will have to wash them a few times before using. If you got the stay dry, I think one wash is fine. Have fun w/your new's addicting to buy more!!

    DS1: Wild Man born 11/28/07
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