Betch where you at. I miss your awesomeness.
i wish i could be joking but my dad is the music teacher at a church so he owuld be mad. we had sex, all the time how bad i know but we dont want to wait and he said GREAT OH KAY! and I was really feeling the wets? down there- too embarsed to say- but he acted like man.
Re: Jmgcoggins
Probably so. She has been known to frequent them. That queefer
humph... I wanna cry right now. Tonight was busy at work
So I had no bump time until a few minutes ago.
Not cool at all.
And all other PP I wish I was at a porch party, because then we would all be there together queefing it up like gangsters.
I know... humph, not cool at all. But I have a feeling this pregnancy will go like the last ones and I'll be giving birth in April... lol, so maybe we will eventually?
That would be awesome. I am afraid I am going to have a c-section this time. I was told last time that if I didn't go into labor naturally and had to be induced I'd end up having a c-section. I don't foresee going into natural labor this time for some reason.